Coffee Shop

Vietnamese Coffee Exporter
Typica Coffee – What Makes A Great Cup Of Coffee?Coffee Shop

Typica Coffee – What Makes A Great Cup Of Coffee?

Typica Coffee – What Makes A Great Cup Of Coffee? If you can answer the question “What characteristics make a great cup of coffee, ” you already understand Typica coffee. Each region has its type of Typica coffee. On the territory of Vietnam, there are many varieties of delicious and premium coffee trees.However, not all coffee beans meet Typica standards. So what are the characteristics of Typica coffee? How to enjoy a cup of Typica coffee the right way? All …
HOT-AIR Coffee Roasting MachineCoffee Shop

HOT-AIR Coffee Roasting Machine

Roasting coffee with an indirect heat transfer roaster, also known as a Hot air roaster, roasting coffee with hot air is produced in the combustion chamber of the roaster. Let's learn about HOT-AIR Coffee Roasting Machine with Helena. HOT-AIR Coffee Roasting Machine The burner (red pictured) does not directly heat the roasting cage but indirectly generates heat in the combustion chamber, heats the clean airflow, and flows the hot gas flow into the roasting cell. The flow of hot air creeps into …
Bourbon Coffee – Why Call It FruityCoffee Shop

Bourbon Coffee – Why Call It Fruity

Bourbon coffee - Surely those who are interested in coffee know the Arabica variety. However, when it comes to Bourbon coffee, few people know it. Bourbon is one of the varieties of Arabica with characteristic aromatic flavors. So what is the origin of this coffee, what are the characteristics of the plant, and how is it processed? Let’s find out together! The Origin of Bourbon Coffee Bourbon coffee trees were first discovered on an island of Madagascar called Reunion (now known as Bourbon …
What Is Sample Roasted CoffeeCoffee Shop

What Is Sample Roasted Coffee?

What Is Sample Roasted Coffee? How can you know if a sample of green coffee is good or not when you hold it in your hands? Of course, you should first determine the optimum roasting procedure before looking for consumers to sell to. Also, how to roast in the most effective manner possible. Reduce the number of new types of green coffee that are wasted. Roasting sample coffee is the only way available. Sample Roasting Coffee: What Is It? Sample roasting is straightforward in …
How To Roast Coffee Beans From Different OriginsCoffee Shop

How To Roast Coffee Beans From Different Origins

How To Roast Coffee Beans From Different Origins. Each country, region, and territory has its climate, soil type, and height… All of this results in a wide range of green coffee varieties. Green coffee reacts differently to heat, and you’ll want to emphasize certain qualities. To put it another way, you’ll need to learn how to roast various coffee origins in different ways. So, before determining how to roast your coffee, you should learn everything you can about the beans. And …
Espresso Italiano – Standard Italian EspressoCoffee Shop

Espresso Italiano – Standard Italian Espresso

Espresso Italiano – Standard Italian Espresso: In 1998, the Italian National Espresso Institute (INEI) was established to sensory-evaluate a cup of “Italian Espresso” (Espresso Italiano) and determine the requirements for it to be made, according to INEI: Water under 9 bar pressure must be pushed through a 7-gram portion of finely ground coffee to ensure that it takes 25 seconds to deliver 25 ml of extract (including crema) into an elliptical 50ml white porcelain cup with a vapor bubble rises in …
The Difference Between Specialty and Commercial CoffeeCoffee Shop

The Difference Between Specialty and Commercial Coffee

The Difference Between Specialty and Commercial Coffee:  We have learned about the definition of the difference between specialty coffee and premium coffee. What are the necessary and sufficient conditions for coffee to be classified as “prestige. However, depending on the intended use, the value of commercial coffee is equally important. We will try to compare the differences between these two types to choose the right one for you. Coffee is classified as either specialty or commercial quality. Specialty coffees make up …
why-is-one-way-valve-used-in-coffee-packagingCoffee Shop

Why Is One Way Valve Used In Coffee Packaging?

A one-way valve is one of the options that can be included when packaging coffee. Once roasted, the coffee beans will have an air drain, or, to be precise, the degas process of the coffee beans. This degassing process usually occurs strongly after 1-2 days of roasting. That means a lot of gas coming out of coffee beans. That’s why without a one-way valve, your coffee package can be puffy and full of gas. Let’s Learn the Why Is One Way …
Roasting Levels Affect the Coffee TasteCoffee Shop

Roasting Levels Affect the Coffee Taste: Understand roast coffee tasting in detail

Roasting Levels Affect the Coffee Taste: The degree of roasting affects the flavor of the coffee beans, which can be considered to be determined by it. Diverse levels of roasting different yield flavors in the same coffee. We usually have three roasting levels: light, medium, and dark roast. The most flavorful of all agricultural beans are coffee beans. We’ve learned that coffee beans can contain over 800 flavors with modern technology and machines. However, numerous processes must occur for the coffee …
"Farm To Cup" The Coffee Cup Is A Long NovelCoffee Daily News

“Farm To Cup” The Coffee Cup Is A Long Novel

"Farm To Cup" The Coffee Cup Is A Long Novel: The journey of specialty coffee cups stretches from farm to last moment with customers. Every moment is cherished to create a fast and quality process with Farm to Cup coffee cups for the development of the industry. Let’s Learn the “FARM TO CUP” THE COFFEE CUP IS A LONG NOVEL with Helena! The article covers the stages of creating a typical FARM TO CUP coffee cup, representing the coffee in the Workshop. Each …
Coffee Daily News

Gender equality in the coffee supply chain

In most areas, the equal balance between men and women and other genders continuously varies greatly. The coffee supply chain is no exception. Coffee activists and leaders are doing their best to build a positive environment and the most meaningful and valuable balance for the coffee supply chain. Let's Learn the Gender equality in the coffee supply chain with Helena! Gender equality in the coffee supply chain To understand how far the world is going in building gender equality, let's look at …
coffee-cupping-basics-for-everyone-from-scas-guidesCoffee Shop

Coffee Cupping Basics For Everyone From SCA’s Basic Cupping Coffee Guides

Coffee Cupping Basics For Everyone From SCA's Basic Cupping Coffee Guides: Coffee Cupping, or Coffee Tasting, is tasting Coffee to assess its quality of Coffee. This is a professional practice by expert tasters "Q Graders" or anyone as long as you understand basic cupping techniques and have a love of discovering coffee flavors. This article will give you the basics of Cupping. Because each individual evaluates the tasting process, the coffee cupping basics process must follow a standard system with many factors, from …