Tag: Helena JSC

Vietnamese Coffee Exporter
Effect Of Water Composition On Coffee ExtractCoffee Shop

Effect Of Water Composition On Coffee Extract

Effect Of Water Composition On Coffee Extract - When making coffee, people often only pay attention to factors such as coffee powder, pressure, and temperature ... but forget the critical role of water in coffee extraction. Water makes up 98-99% of a cup of coffee; the type of water and the ingredients in the water are the determining factors for the taste of the cup. Therefore, to create a cup of coffee with a delicious taste, it is essential to understand …
Water Composition In CoffeeCoffee Shop

Water Composition In Coffee

Water Composition In Coffee - Groundwater with an average residence duration of months to years has a much lower mineral concentration than tap water from a lake or re-infiltrated from a river. Furthermore, carbonate-bearing bedrock has a higher mineral richness than silicate-bearing bedrock. For example, the mineral concentration of groundwater in Switzerland’s Central Plateau (fine sediments rich in carbonates) is approximately five times higher than in the central and southern Alps (crystalline rock dissolves more slowly and contains little carbonates). Alkalinity Now that …
Physicochemical Characteristics Of WaterCoffee Shop

Physicochemical Characteristics Of Water

Physicochemical Characteristics Of Water - Water is a molecule made up of one oxygen and two differentially charged hydrogen atoms (H2O), resulting in an unequal distribution of electrical charge (see Fig. 16.1), which is known as polarity. Water is an excellent solvent for polar substances due to its polar nature, as seen during coffee extraction. It, on the other hand, barely dissolves nonpolar molecules like oils and fats, which account for more than 10% of the weight of roasted coffee. The solubility …
Home RoastingCoffee Shop

Home Roasting

Home Roasting - It was once normal for a family to purchase raw coffee and roast it at home. The tendency, however, has undoubtedly favored convenience since the mid-twentieth century. Roasting coffee at home is enjoyable and reasonably inexpensive, yet achieving the same level of roasted coffee quality as the greatest commercial roasters is a significant task. Let's find out with Helena Coffee Vietnam. You can roast smaller amounts of raw coffees at home than you might be able to buy roasted, …
Coffee Shop


Espresso has become widely regarded as the "greatest" way to drink coffee in the previous forty years. This is not true, because no brew technique is fundamentally superior to another, yet espresso is now the most popular coffee drink drunk outside of the home, and many cafés charge more for espresso than for a regular coffee. Whether it's part of the increasingly popular Italian-style coffee culture or the Americanized, fast-food variant found in chain coffee shops around the world, espresso has …


The brewing process is an important step on the way from crop to cup. Bad brewing can ruin all of your hard work up to this point, as well as the potential and flavor of the coffee. It's disheartening how easy it is to brew coffee incorrectly, but understanding the fundamentals might help you get better outcomes and enjoy the process more. Let's find out with Helena Coffee beans are largely made up of cellulose, which is comparable to wood. Because …


Tasting takes place in two places: our lips and our noses, and it's essential to think about these two aspects of the process independently while learning to taste and talk about coffee. The basic tastes of acidity, sweetness, bitterness, saltiness, and savouriness are detected on the tongue during the first portion of the process. When reading a coffee's description, we may be drawn to the flavors mentioned, like as chocolate, berries, or caramel. Flavors are perceived in the same manner …


Because green coffee is more stable than roasted beans, it is roasted near to where it will be consumed, coffee is at its finest when consumed within a month of roasting. Drum roasters and hot-air or uid-bed roasters are the two most prevalent types of machinery used for roasting. Let Helena learn about TYPES OF COFFEE ROASTERS ROASTERS OF DRUM Drum roasters, which were invented around the turn of the century and can roast at slower speeds, are popular among craft roasters. …
Coffee RoastingCoffee Shop

Coffee Roasting

Coffee roaster/ roaster One of the most exciting components of the coffee industry is roasting. It transforms the green coffee seed, which has absolutely little flavor other than an unpleasant vegetative taste, into an extremely aromatic, incredibly complex coffee bean. Freshly roasted coffee has an evocative, seductive, and all-around excellent aroma. This section is about roasting on a large scale. For more information on home roasting, go to Home Roasting. Let Helena learn about Coffee Roasting. The commercial roasting of relatively low-quality coffee has gotten a …
HOT-AIR Coffee Roasting MachineCoffee Shop

HOT-AIR Coffee Roasting Machine

Roasting coffee with an indirect heat transfer roaster, also known as a Hot air roaster, roasting coffee with hot air is produced in the combustion chamber of the roaster. Let's learn about HOT-AIR Coffee Roasting Machine with Helena. HOT-AIR Coffee Roasting Machine The burner (red pictured) does not directly heat the roasting cage but indirectly generates heat in the combustion chamber, heats the clean airflow, and flows the hot gas flow into the roasting cell. The flow of hot air creeps into …
Coffee Daily News

Gender equality in the coffee supply chain

In most areas, the equal balance between men and women and other genders continuously varies greatly. The coffee supply chain is no exception. Coffee activists and leaders are doing their best to build a positive environment and the most meaningful and valuable balance for the coffee supply chain. Let's Learn the Gender equality in the coffee supply chain with Helena! Gender equality in the coffee supply chain To understand how far the world is going in building gender equality, let's look at …
Coffee Production In Costa RicaCoffee Daily News

Coffee Production In Costa Rica

Coffee Production In Costa Rica - Costa Rican coffee has been cultivated since the late 1700s. This is the first Central American country to have a fully developed coffee industry in all aspects. By the 1820s, coffee was the main agricultural export of great economic significance. Costa Rica's coffee production significantly increased when the train route to Puntarenas was completed in 1846. It allowed farmers to quickly bring coffee from their farms to the port of Oxcarts. Learn about how Costa Rican …