Author: Trang

Vietnamese Coffee Exporter
Coffee Science Learn About Caffeine In CoffeeCoffee Shop

Coffee Science: Learn About Caffeine In Coffee

Coffee Science: Learn About Caffeine In Coffee: Caffeine is no stranger and has a lot of attraction in the current context. With just a click of the mouse, people can "dig" all the relevant information, from the formula, origin, and role, to each chemical reaction of Caffeine. However, Google – is not a chemist, so this article will shed light on precisely what Caffeine is, how it works, and how much Caffeine is in your espresso cup. Let's learn about …
Four Main Coffee Processing MethodsCoffee Processing

Four Main Coffee Processing Methods

Four Main Coffee Processing Methods: The preliminary stage of coffee processing is often overlooked when creating coffee beans. However, this stage is just as important as roasting or extracting. It's the key to getting a better understanding of coffee. Let's learn about the Four main coffee processes with Helena. When farmers talk about coffee, they often talk about how bright and dark the roasting method is or the origin of the coffee. Many factors determine the deliciousness of coffee beans, but …
Comparison Of Dried And Wet-Processed CoffeeCoffee Processing

Comparison Of Dried And Wet-Processed Coffee

Comparison Of Dried And Wet-Processed Coffee: Different processing methods will create different flavors. Although dried processing has a more vital physicality, the taste and flavor are not comparable to wet processing. Chin picking is, of course, better than green picking, drying on the truss is, of course, better than drying in the background, fermenting with wet processing technology is, of course, better than dry processing. The process of sieve, coloring, or flaking coffee beans. The difference in the region, weather, soil. It's …
HOT-AIR Coffee Roasting MachineCoffee Shop

HOT-AIR Coffee Roasting Machine

Roasting coffee with an indirect heat transfer roaster, also known as a Hot air roaster, roasting coffee with hot air is produced in the combustion chamber of the roaster. Let's learn about HOT-AIR Coffee Roasting Machine with Helena. HOT-AIR Coffee Roasting Machine The burner (red pictured) does not directly heat the roasting cage but indirectly generates heat in the combustion chamber, heats the clean airflow, and flows the hot gas flow into the roasting cell. The flow of hot air creeps into …

Coffee Roasting Levels Chart (With Roasting Guide)

Coffee Roasting Levels Chart: Coffee was a rare treat, only recalled to support select religious rites. But as this thick, black liquid began to travel the world and lubricate the direction of economies, it transformed into an unstoppable force. One of the most traded commodities on the planet, more than 2 billion cups of coffee are manufactured and consumed daily worldwide, despite how shocking it may sound. Coffee is edging closer to being the most coveted beverage in the world, enticing …
From First Crack To SilverskinCoffee Processing

From First Crack To Silverskin

From First Crack To Silverskin: To understand more about how delicious the coffee is in your hand. Know how coffee needs tools. Exploring each stage of processing, processing, and roasting, you are going deep into the specialty with some knowledge you do not know. Helena will go quickly through the dictionary of the term coffee. Let’s learn From First Crack To Silverskin together! Coffee roasting equipment Roaster for the Stovetop Most roasters are only getting started with this instrument. On a gas burner, you …
Coffee Beans Essentials

How To Roasting Honey And Natural Coffee

How To Roasting Honey And Natural Coffee? Honey and Natural processed coffee have a sweeter taste and a fuller "body". But don't try to roast them like washed coffee. You will burn these coffees or the coffee will no longer taste good. In the fertile lands of the Central Highlands of Vietnam, learn with Helena about some ways of Roasting Honey and Natural Coffee. The difference between roasting honey, natural, washed coffee The fundamental difference between Natural, Honey, and Washed coffee is …
Common Coffee Roasting MistakesRoasting

Common Coffee Roasting Mistakes

Common Coffee Roasting Mistakes: No one can achieve the perfect roasting level the first or the next few times. It requires professional knowledge and is accompanied by a few batches of faulty coffee with a lot of experience. But it's easier when you understand the coffee roasting errors you're seeing. Let's look at Common Coffee Roasting Mistakes with Helena to know them. Let's go into the details! Common Coffee Roasting Errors Baked Coffee This error occurs when the coffee is heated for …
why-is-one-way-valve-used-in-coffee-packagingCoffee Shop

Why Is One Way Valve Used In Coffee Packaging?

A one-way valve is one of the options that can be included when packaging coffee. Once roasted, the coffee beans will have an air drain, or, to be precise, the degas process of the coffee beans. This degassing process usually occurs strongly after 1-2 days of roasting. That means a lot of gas coming out of coffee beans. That’s why without a one-way valve, your coffee package can be puffy and full of gas. Let’s Learn the Why Is One Way …
"Farm To Cup" The Coffee Cup Is A Long NovelCoffee Daily News

“Farm To Cup” The Coffee Cup Is A Long Novel

"Farm To Cup" The Coffee Cup Is A Long Novel: The journey of specialty coffee cups stretches from farm to last moment with customers. Every moment is cherished to create a fast and quality process with Farm to Cup coffee cups for the development of the industry. Let’s Learn the “FARM TO CUP” THE COFFEE CUP IS A LONG NOVEL with Helena! The article covers the stages of creating a typical FARM TO CUP coffee cup, representing the coffee in the Workshop. Each …
Coffee Daily News

Gender equality in the coffee supply chain

In most areas, the equal balance between men and women and other genders continuously varies greatly. The coffee supply chain is no exception. Coffee activists and leaders are doing their best to build a positive environment and the most meaningful and valuable balance for the coffee supply chain. Let's Learn the Gender equality in the coffee supply chain with Helena! Gender equality in the coffee supply chain To understand how far the world is going in building gender equality, let's look at …
Review Moka Pot Brewing For BeginnerBrewing

Review Moka Pot Brewing For Beginner

Review Moka Pot Brewing For Beginner: How can a cup of coffee be made on the stove every morning without taking too long, with just "preliminary" technical steps but Espresso? Moka pot is a suitable choice. And if you don't focus too much on technique, stop at the habit of morning coffee at home and regularly for many years – that's all; the Moka kettle can be used for a lifetime if you store it properly; As mentioned in the History …