
Vietnamese Coffee Exporter
Balance Properties - SCA Cupping Form - Helena Coffee VietnamCoffee Cupping Guide

Balance Properties – SCA Cupping Form

Balance Properties – SCA Cupping Form​​​​​​​​​ – This article is part of a group of posts that explain the ten sensory attributes of the SCA Cupping Form (or SCA Arabica Cupping Form) based on knowledge from the book Sensory Science. In cupping, Balance refers to the relationship between the four previous types of attributes: Flavor, Aftertaste, Acidity, and Body. Ideally, these four attributes are present at a harmonious level. If a particular attribute is severely or noticeably missing or dominant, coffee will be considered "unbalanced." However, …
Sweetness Attribute - SCA Cupping Form​ - Helena Coffee VietnamCoffee Cupping Guide

Sweetness Attribute – SCA Cupping Form​

Sweetness Attributes - SCA Cupping Form​​​​​​​​​ - This article is part of a group of posts that explain the ten sensory attributes of the SCA Cupping Form (or SCA Arabica Cupping Form) based on knowledge from the book Sensory Science. In terms of sensory science, Sweetness or "sweetness" in coffee is not an "objective" attribute but the product of a complex impression caused by aroma, not by any dissolved sugar. Therefore, in cupping, Sweetness is very firmly defined by the SCA as the …
Clean cup Properties - SCA Cupping Form - Helena Coffee VietnamCoffee Cupping Guide

Clean cup Properties – SCA Cupping Form

Clean cup Properties - SCA Cupping Form - This article is part of a group of posts that explain the ten sensory attributes of the SCA Cupping Form (or SCA Arabica Cupping Form) based on knowledge from the book Sensory Science. In Cupping, Clean Cup is defined as "no flavor other than coffee," so Clean Cup is designed to identify contaminants in coffee, usually caused by non-coffee ingredients or biological contamination (mold, bacteria, etc.) in poorly processed coffee. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="2000"] Clean …
Uniformity Attributes - SCA Cupping Form​​​​​​​​​ - Helena Coffee VietnamCoffee Cupping Guide

Uniformity Attributes – SCA Cupping Form​​​​​​​​​

Uniformity Attributes - SCA Cupping Form​​​​​​​​​ - This article is part of a group of posts that explain the ten sensory attributes of the SCA Cupping Form (or SCA Arabica Cupping Form) based on knowledge from the book Sensory Science. In Cupping, the Uniformity attribute is defined as "uniformity between cups in the same coffee sample," or in other words, the uniformity of the coffee beans in the batch. Since according to the SCA's cupping standard, assessing the uniformity of five coffee cups …
Overall and Defect Attributes - SCA Cupping Form - Helena Coffee VietnamCoffee Cupping Guide

Overall and Defect Attributes – SCA Cupping Form

Overall and Defect Attributes - SCA Cupping Form - This article is part of a group of posts that explain the 10 sensory attributes of the SCA Cupping Form (or SCA Arabica Cupping Form) based on knowledge from the book Sensory Science. Overall The Overall (or "overall") category is where cupper can leave their overall impression of coffee quality. This is the only property that must sum up the properties of all previous properties. Therefore its score will likely be equivalent to the …

What is the Cup of Excellence? How does COE grading coffee differ from SCA?

How does the Cup of Excellence grading coffee differ from Specialty Coffee Association? If you love specialty coffee, the coffee grading style of the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) is certainly no stranger. Helena Coffee Vietnam has a pretty detailed explanation of SCA's cupping form here. SCA's cupping form is the most popular document in grading coffee, widely used in the specialty coffee community, from roasters and baristas to coffee import and export companies. However, the SCA cupping form is not everything. …
the-development-and-history-of-coffee-cuppingCoffee Cupping Guide

The Development And History Of Coffee Cupping

The Development And History Of Coffee Cupping - As the coffee culture moves closer to the business model of the wine industry, Cupping has become the most universal and standard method of rating and scoring. For roasters, Cupping is an effective way to ensure maintaining or finding a consistent roast profile for any coffee. For quality control professionals, Cupping helps ensure their products taste great consistently, without any potential defects. For the barista, Cupping is an effective method of expanding the palate, getting …
Cupping Techniques – Cupping Basics – SCACoffee Daily News

Cupping Techniques – Cupping Basics – SCA

Cupping Techniques – Cupping Basics – SCA: Coffee Cupping, or Coffee Tasting, is the process of tasting coffee to assess its quality of coffee. This is a professional practice by expert tasters “ Q Graders ” or anyone ( Cupper ) as long as you have an understanding of basic Cupping techniques and a love of discovering coffee flavors. Since the tasting process is a completely individualized sensory evaluation, the coffee cupping process must follow a system dictated by many factors, from instrumentation, sample preparation, sample evaluation, …
coffee-cupping-basics-for-everyone-from-scas-guidesCoffee Shop

Coffee Cupping Basics For Everyone From SCA’s Basic Cupping Coffee Guides

Coffee Cupping Basics For Everyone From SCA's Basic Cupping Coffee Guides: Coffee Cupping, or Coffee Tasting, is tasting Coffee to assess its quality of Coffee. This is a professional practice by expert tasters "Q Graders" or anyone as long as you understand basic cupping techniques and have a love of discovering coffee flavors. This article will give you the basics of Cupping. Because each individual evaluates the tasting process, the coffee cupping basics process must follow a standard system with many factors, from …
Slurping in coffeeCupping


Slurping? Professional cuppers utilize a technique comparable to "slurping coffee" to bring coffee to the whole taste. This allows the coffee to release organic components and volatile chemicals, allowing cuppers to appreciate the coffee's superior flavor attributes better. Slurping   …
Potato Defect - Helena CoffeeCupping

Potato Defect in Coffee- Helena Coffee

Potato Flaw? - Potato Defect is a unique and rare type of defect found solely in Burundi and Rwandan coffees. It's caused by an unexplained bacteria that gets into the coffee cherry pods and creates a toxin that gives the coffee a lousy flavor. According to some studies, the Potato Defect originates when airborne germs enter a puncture or rip in the coffee berry's outer layer. Failures like this might happen for a variety of reasons. Intestine ( Antestiopsis orbitalis ), …
Flavor – TasteCupping

Flavor – Taste

Flavor – Taste? Flavor - Taste is the entire impression of food; the flavor is a mixture of taste (taste), smell (aroma), and mouthfeel, according to technical definition ( mouthfeel ). In Vietnamese, the flavor is loosely translated as flavor, taste as taste, and fragrance as scent, although this interpretation frequently fails to illustrate the distinction between the three aspects and the relationship between them. To put it another way, Flavor = Aroma + Taste + Mouthfeel. The sensory language used to …