Coffee Processing

Vietnamese Coffee Exporter
cold brewCoffee Cupping Guide

What Accounts For The Distinct Taste Profile Of Cold Brew Compared To Other Coffee Brewing Methods?

The cold brew phenomenon has taken the coffee world by storm, with its popularity extending to every corner of the globe. Research from Technavio forecasts that the cold brew market's value will swell by nearly US $440 million by 2027, underscoring the drink's escalating appeal. Concurrent with this trend is a spike in the curiosity around cold brew extraction techniques and their effect on flavor dynamics. Significant in this realm is a study from 2022 that examines the role of brewing …
important for espressoCoffee Cupping Guide

Why Are Distribution And Tamping So Important For Espresso?

Why Are Distribution and tamping so important for espresso? When pthe importance of propereparing high-quality espresso, baristas must carefully control variables like dose, yield, time, grind size, and water temperature. However, r preparation techniques - distribution and tamping - is sometimes overlooked for elevating espresso. According to many coffee professionals, executing these techniques correctly can transform a good espresso into an excellent one. To learn more about these vital but underrated aspects of espresso preparation, I spoke with Wesley Farnell, CEO of Eight …
Nordic specialty coffee roastersCoffee & Environment

Assessing The Current Innovation Landscape Of Nordic Specialty Coffee Roasters

Nordic specialty coffee roasters: The indelible mark of Nordic roasters on the world of specialty coffee is unmistakable. Visionaries from Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland catalyzed a coffee revolution in the late 20th and early 21st centuries that has since captured the globe's attention. The widespread adoption of specialty coffee can, in part, be attributed to Scandinavia's deep-seated coffee culture. Notably, in 2016, statistics showed that five of the top six countries in terms of per capita coffee consumption were in …
Coffee and CheeseCoffee Daily News

Pairing Specialty Coffee and Cheese

Pairing Specialty Coffee and Cheese: Cakes, pies, cookies, chocolates, and ice cream – these sweet treats are savored by people worldwide as accompaniments to a cup of coffee. The sugary notes of these confections often harmonize beautifully with the rich tones of coffee, whether it's served black or with a splash of milk. Yet, there's an emerging trend that leans towards the savory side, pairing coffee with an array of breads and even cuts of meat. But let's turn our attention …
cold coffee salesCoffee Cupping Guide

Unprecedented Peaks In Cold Coffee Sales – Is Specialty Coffee On The Same Track?

Unprecedented peaks in cold coffee sales— is specialty coffee on the same track? Globally, an increasing number of consumers are gravitating towards cold coffee beverages—a trend that's not just a seasonal fling but a year-round preference. This shift in consumer habits is evidenced by Starbucks' third-quarter financial report for 2023, which revealed that a striking 75% of its U.S. sales now come from cold beverages. This surge isn't restricted to Starbucks alone; other major coffee chains are witnessing a similar upswing …
milk is best for latte artCoffee Cupping Guide

What Type Of Milk Is Best For Latte Art?

What type of milk is best for latte art? Globally, milk-based coffee drinks such as flat whites, lattes, and cappuccinos are immensely popular, with cow's milk being the core ingredient in about 91% of coffee beverages in 2020. However, there's a noticeable shift towards plant-based alternatives gaining ground. The allure of these beverages isn't just in their creamy richness or inherent sweetness; it's also the visual and sensory delight of latte art. The intricate designs rendered in velvety microfoam not …
Specialty Coffee ProcessingCoffee Daily News

The Influence of Viticulture on Specialty Coffee Processing

The Influence of Viticulture on Specialty Coffee Processing At first glance, the coffee and wine industries might appear worlds apart. Yet, a closer examination reveals a rich tapestry of shared language and agricultural practices that bind them. Particularly in the realm of processing, the influence of viticulture on specialty coffee has become increasingly evident. Specialty coffee producers have been adopting and adapting techniques from winemaking, leading to an exciting evolution of flavor profiles within the coffee industry. These advanced processing methods, inspired …
Removing LactoseCoffee Daily News

Enhancing Sweetness in Dairy Preparations by Removing Lactose

Enhancing Sweetness in Dairy Preparations by Removing Lactose: Animal milk is a widely favored addition to coffee, with over 70% of consumers preferring it to straight espresso or filtered coffee. Milk enriches coffee with a creamy texture and a smooth taste, along with providing some nutrients and calcium. Furthermore, it can mitigate the bitter notes of coffee due to its natural sugars, which lend a sweetening effect to the beverage. Lactose, a component of animal milk, has a direct impact on …
Espresso PressureCoffee Cupping Guide

Demystifying Espresso Pressure: How Many Bars Make Ideal Espresso?

For espresso fanatics, analyzing the optimal Espresso Pressure extraction is a vital part of brewing the perfect shot. The pressure applied during the brewing process, measured in bars, has a significant impact on the flavor, texture, and quality of espresso. But how many bars of pressure unlocks the ideal espresso? Join Helena Coffee in shedding light on optimal pressure levels and other factors that influence espresso perfection. What is the Espresso pressure? Espresso machines use pressure, generated by the machine’s pump and …
Cortado RecipeCoffee Daily News

Cortado Recipe: How To Make Crafting An Espresso-Based Beverage

What is Cortado Recipe? How to make Cortado? There are occasions when the aftermath of a restless night prompts a desperate search for any available trace of coffee. In such moments, the primary concern tends to be quantity. However, not every coffee-drinking encounter should be governed by this primal "survival" mentality. Coffee, after all, possesses the potential to be an elegant and refined beverage. While the Italians are rightfully recognized for their contributions to the realm of coffee, the Spanish, Portuguese, …
Starbucks Iced Vanilla Latte recipeBrewing

Delicious Starbucks Iced Vanilla Latte Recipe You Should Try

The Home Grounds team appreciates the subtle blend of coffee and vanilla. So, when we stumbled upon Starbucks' yellow iced vanilla latte, we were eager to create our own imitation recipe for this refreshing beverage. This cold coffee drink combines freshly brewed coffee with frothy milk, the warm essence of vanilla syrup, and smooth whipped cream. It's a fantastic iced latte for any time of the year. Continue reading to discover how to make the best Starbucks-style yellow iced vanilla …
Decaf Cold Brew CoffeeBrewing

How to Make Decaf Cold Brew Coffee At Home That You Don’t Know

How to Make Decaf Cold Brew Coffee At Home That You Don't Know. Do you enjoy iced coffee but dislike the jittery feeling caused by caffeine? You'll be delighted to know that you can quickly savor a decaffeinated cold brew. The brewing process remains entirely the same. Just start with excellent decaffeinated coffee beans and go from there. Helena Coffee will guide you through the process, including some helpful pro tips, in an easy-to-follow recipe for the best-tasting decaf cold …