Taste Arabica Coffee And Robusta Coffee Properly: Coffee tasting (also known as coffee cupping or coffee tasting) evaluates the quality of coffee and reveals minute differences between different types. It is vital to have extensive preparation and requisite abilities for the coffee-tasting procedure to succeed.
Test room proper Arabica and Robusta coffee
To avoid affecting the tasters’ concentration and senses, the test room must be naturally illuminated with 50-70 percent humidity. The best time to taste is between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m.
Six cups arranged in a triangle are usually placed on the table for each sample.
Place a sample of green coffee and a sample of roasted coffee on the top of the triangle (Arabica or Robusta).
1 cup of room temperature water and 1 cup teaspoon are also necessary.
Start tasting
– Before adding water, examine the aromas of Arabica and ground Robusta coffee.
– After judging the coffee’s flavor, add hot water and jot down your initial thoughts (not stirring the cup at this time). To guarantee that the spoon is at the same temperature as the coffee in the cup, fill the cup containing the teaspoon with hot water at this stage.
– After 1 to 2 minutes, stir the coffee cup with a warm spoon. Next, place your nose just over the cup to assess the coffee’s aroma. Then, in a hurry, write your thoughts in the review.
– Begin the “sniffing” stage after all of the test pieces have cooled. Bring the teaspoon to your mouth and “inhale” the coffee so that it covers your entire tongue. Move on to the next cup after recording your thoughts on the coffee’s flavor, acidity, body, and aftertaste.
*Note: It’s preferable to finish a sample with dessert and then try again to avoid too much caffeine, which can impair your ability to taste.
Then, until the last cup, you’ll have an overall assessment to choose which flavor is the greatest!