Evaluate The Flavor Of Coffee After Roasting
Bold Roasted Coffee
Dark-roast coffee offers a different modulation of the basic tastes. Because the majority of the sugars decompose due to the extensive pyrolysis of the bean, the sweet character of the flavor is lost. It is replaced by the bitter taste perception attributable to the increase in phenolic compounds.
The taste sensation of bitterness is generally misunderstood, and in most foods, bile is considered undesirable. However, the bitter attribute is both characteristic and desirable in several products, such as dark chocolate, certain beers, red wines, and tonic water. In all of these situations, modulation of the bitter taste contributes significantly to the total flavour profile. The same is true for coffee.
Food and beverages, in which bitterness comprises the essential modulation component of taste perception, tend to spark the most significant controversy as to their overall acceptability. Although dark-roasted coffees represent a necessary segment of the total coffee market; the bitter aspect of their tastes tends to reduce their universal acceptance.
In coffee, the bitter components of the taste come from three sources. First, bitterness is a taste characteristic of certain non-volatile acids in coffee, particularly chlorogenic and quinic acids.
Second, bitterness is the primary taste characteristic of caffeine and trigonelline – white crystalline alkaloids
occurring naturally in coffee beans, tea leaves, cocoa beans, and cola nuts. And third, bitterness is a taste characteristic associated with phenolic and heterocyclic compounds, which form as the coffee beans undergo continued pyrolysis and develop from standard roast coffees into dark-roast coffees.