Why is Coffee Refilling Widespread In Mexican Consumer Culture?

Vietnamese Coffee Exporter
coffee refilling widespread in Mexican

Coffee Refilling Widespread In Mexican , in addition to being a coffee producing origin, has a great consumption influence from its neighboring countries, especially the United States . A particular consumption format in the Mexican coffee culture is the coffee refill , uncommon in the rest of Latin America. 

In general, this concept has been associated with a low quality product but with a high level of accessibility.Coffee Refilling Widespread In Mexican Therefore, although it has some contradictors, it presents some advantages to promote consumption; However, to implement it in the specialty industry there are multiple challenges to consider. 

In order to learn more about coffee refilling in Mexico, I spoke with Octavio Ruiz Cervera, founder of Almanegra Café , with Diana Patiño, founder and commercial director of Grupo Exploradores , and with Julieta Vazquez, barista and co-founder of Arandela Café . She continues reading and discovers her opinions. 

Where does Coffee Refilling Widespread In Mexican refill come from ?

The concept of refill began to become popular around the 50s and 60s with the rise of fast food restaurants in North America.Coffee Refilling Widespread In Mexican  This practice became a strategy to attract customers and increase sales . It was an attractive option for consumers and, at the same time, encouraged them to spend more time in the establishment.

In the case of coffee,Coffee Refilling Widespread In Mexican  it is a service that offers an unlimited drink at no additional cost after having made the first purchase during the time spent in the premises.

It is usually prepared with machines such as BUNN or MoccaMaster, which allow large quantities of coffee to be prepared in a few minutes and kept at an ideal temperature for a long period of time. “The objective of refill coffee is the commodity , merchandise coffee,” says Octavio.

For her part, Diana says that this type of service is offered in large chain coffee shops, such as Starbucks, breakfast places or in coworking facilities .

American customs had and continue to have a great impact on Mexican consumer culture. Coffee Refilling Widespread In Mexican “Cultural codes and values ​​are increasingly influential, both in border cities and capitals. Thousands of Mexicans go to work and when they return they bring what happens there, coffee is no exception,” explains Octavio.

What is the perception about thisCoffee Refilling Widespread In Mexican consumption format?

Julieta says that direct contact with the producers and their farms managed to remove the preconception that refill coffee is something negative and that it in no way helps and supports the sector. In reality, Coffee Refilling Widespread In Mexican there is a market and an audience for everything.

“When I heard directly from the producers that they do not waste any of their crops, since an entire family depends on it,Coffee Refilling Widespread In Mexican I understood that it is necessary to bring down to earth some utopias that we can have as baristas focused only on quality,” he says. .

“One way or another, whatever coffee consumption choice you have, you are supporting the producer and an entire family behind it.”

She states that since she began her journey in the world of coffee,Coffee Refilling Widespread In Mexican she only knew about coffee in refill format , except for the occasional coffee shop that offered individual preparations but for a higher cost. Octavio agrees and says that refill coffee has been present for as long as she can remember. On the contrary, Diana considers that this consumption format is not transcendental in Mexico.

In the case of end customers, the perception is usually positive and quite attractive to certain audiences, such as digital nomads who are looking for spaces where they can spend several hours without having to incur high expenses. Despite this, for specialty coffee consumers it is not an option to consider since, normally, quality is sacrificed.

Refilling in specialty coffee: is it possible? 

Diana explains that the first big challenge will be to break the paradigm that refill coffee is synonymous with cheap coffee. “Although the cost may be economical, the price would have to be reviewed with the amortized rates to make it convenient.”Coffee Refilling Widespread In Mexican

Octavio agrees and sees certain difficulties in implementing it. “Being in specialty coffees, it becomes a little more complicated to model refill costing because the most important thing for us is the raw material,” says Octavio.

Likewise, it tells how other strategies can be carried out that contribute to demystifying these consumption models. “At Almanegra we put a guest coffee in the batch coffee maker . “That removes the bias that many of our clients developed over time about these types of preparations,” he comments.

Julieta says that if the concept of refill coffee were brought to specialty coffee, it should have another approach so as not to lose sight of everything that has been achieved in recent years with the demand for high-quality coffee.

“ Refill coffee should not only be about refilling coffee cups but should also offer a sensory experience for the customer so that they can discover how it is possible to have so many flavors and aromas in a cup of coffee,” he says.

On the other hand, some of the cafeterias that decide to implement this format see it as an opportunity to increase rotation and consumption of other products on the menu , such as pastries or bakeries. By staying longer in the store, customers tend to increase the sales ticket . That way, the cost of unlimited coffee is offset.

Is it possible to expand the model in Latin America?

According to Julieta, whether or not they are coffee-producing countries, the refill culture is installed in almost the entire world. Beyond the cultural differences that we may find, coffee will be a common factor.

“I believe that the exercise is one of communication since just as batch brew machines are associated with poor quality coffee, these biases can be eliminated and new codes implemented for the sake of great customer service and a pleasant experience,” says Octavio. . Diana believes that “people who order filtered coffee prefer to order different origins if they order a second cup.” This represents a difficulty for larger scale implementation of refill .

For Julieta, this experience model may be more viable for cafeterias and gastronomic establishments in small towns or those with fewer resources since it allows them to experiment with new flavors with high-quality raw materials but at a lower price.Coffee Refilling Widespread In Mexican

Finally, the economic viability of refill will change depending on the region and the business model of each cafeteria. In cases where it is possible to implement it, if it is proposed together with a strategy that promotes the same values ​​of specialty coffee, it can become an important competitive advantage.

The refill model can be a great opportunity for coffee shops. It offers a different experience to the consumer and brings other audiences closer with greater accessibility.

What we must not lose sight of is that the bar is the final link in a great job that begins with the coffee grower, who allows us to obtain the best quality raw materials.Coffee Refilling Widespread In Mexican “The important thing in this industry is to build a narrative around coffee and have strong traceability links with producers,” concludes Octavio.