All About Local Coffee – Part 3

Vietnamese Coffee Exporter

What do coffee growers say about native coffee?

After a lot of theoretical experience with local coffee, what do growers think about coffee?

Today, coffee artisans pride and honor in creating the best quality for the coffee plant. They care about the result that wafts through the cup of coffee and how it defines quality for the consumer.

As Andres Salaverria of Jaisal Cafe in El Salvador puts it, “Indigenous coffee helps consumers understand coffee according to its philosophy… It is also a way for users to understand behind-the-scenes coffee is also a passion is integrated into the production process.”

Cesar Magana, who is also all 3 – roaster – farmer – and barista at Lechuza Cafe in El Salvador, runs all three small farms focusing mainly on Panamera (hybrid coffee variety) from El Salvador, widely known for its aroma, sweetness, and round body).

Magana believes that consumers always want the best coffee on the market, which means they depend on direct trade between growers and local suppliers.

“If they understand the quality of the product, that will make sure everyone puts a little extra effort into every little step in the coffee supply chain,” he said.

From the barista to the roaster, more emphasis should be placed on giving growers more information, and because of that, I think it’s excellent, and that’s why local coffee is so important.”

What do roasters say about local coffee?

Steve Hall, Quality Management Manager at Caravan Coffee Roaster, shared that local coffee is not a guide to perceived sound quality; it is just a yardstick to distinguish coffee from a blend.

Currently, he feels that for most special roasters, local coffee has not brought enough benefits for coffee in general and producers. With single-variety coffee, a single farm and many other factors that contribute to today’s many endless and exciting opportunities.”

So is local coffee an ominous phrase? This phrase would be incomplete for Steve.” Think of a country like Tanzania,” he said. “They have a tropical coastal climate, with the snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro, the Nyiri desert, Lake Victoria, and the Serengeti.

Coffee is grown around the borders of Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, and the Democratic Republic of Congo; The variety of coffee flavors is immense!

When you look at local coffee from this angle, it doesn’t exactly interpret the extreme differences in coffee varieties, and to better explain the meaning of the phrase, we use the term coffee. Native. Over the years, it has become a quality guide, as basic as the roaster’s style of writing, “I think coffee is special, and we want you to understand it better.”

So, in the end… local coffee makes a lot of sense (as above) and isn’t over yet, but you have every right to expect excellent quality when you see the coffee label in front of you.

What does local coffee mean for consumers?

If local coffee is a good choice (especially when accompanied by a great cup of coffee)  is that enough?

The answer is no.

Here are some benchmark suggestions from Holly Bastin, Co-founder of Roast Ratings.


“With the filter, local versus blended coffee is the same as exploration versus stability, from my experience. If you expect your coffee to have a reliable taste, guaranteed flavor, and unchanged over time, then blended coffee is a perfect choice. If you like to be discovered, local coffee will give you more options from pure to non-pure.”


“Similar to hopper coffee, expresso chooses between local and blended coffees as well as a mix of stability and adventure – on top of that, the experience can vary slightly depending on the type.

Drinks your order. In expresso, coffee blends are often developed for the purpose of flavor balance. When it comes to the main milk drink, blended coffee is probably more suitable than the local variety, as it creates a stable flavor and is complemented by milk. If you drink express directly, I recommend you to try them all to your liking once!”

Now that you know a little about local coffee, what’s next? Ok, if you feel that the world of knowledge is too broad, then treat yourself to a cup of local-style brewed coffee.

Both growers and roasters want you to get the hang of it and appreciate the effort they put in, so you don’t have to be afraid to ask and give more feedback as you travel through the schools of coffee!

Reread part 2: All About Local Coffee – Part 2


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