Coffee has been the subject of development from the first wave to the fourth wave. Coffee has evolved from a commodity to a valuable specialty. Every day, five continents and four seas use coffee for various purposes. Some people use it as a wake-up call. Others regard it as a recreational activity. Some think it’s good, while others think it’s normal and has no ideas. So, have you ever wondered what makes a good cup of coffee? Is there such a thing as the best coffee bean for a drink in the world? What does that coffee taste?
Where can we get the best coffee bean for a drink?
Is it the “infamous” weasel coffee Kopi Luwak, the most expensive worldwide? Or Jamaica’s prestigious Blue Mountain coffee. Is it Geisha coffee, the latest specialty coffee craze?
Unfortunately, all of the answers given above are incorrect. Because the person who looks at it determines whether it is ugly or beautiful, and the person who drinks it determines whether it is good or bad.
The best cup of coffee “in the world” is the best cup of coffee for you!
The definition of delicious is entirely dependent on the drinker’s personal preferences. And everyone has different opinions. Taste is determined by culture, custom, experience, genetics, taste ability, eating habits, and health. As if you were wondering what kind of apple is the best in the world. Some will say red apples, some choose green apples, and others like Chinese apples are the best. Reaching an agreement on the category of personal preferences appears impossible because there are hundreds of different types of coffee, each with its own set of pre-processing, roasting, styles, flavors, and characteristics.
You cannot answer which coffee is the best in the world. However, you will respond to “what do you want in your coffee?” It is reasonable to assume that the best cup of coffee for you is also the best cup of coffee “in the world.”
Which types of coffee beans are considered delectable?
The concept of Third Wave Specialty Coffee is the answer to this question. A good cup of coffee tastes good and does not taste bad.
Firstly, good coffee has a scent and taste that bring a sense of balance, harmony, satisfaction, and comfort. Experts divide the popular aromas of coffee into nine categories:
- Fruits from the tropics
- Fruit succulent
- Fruit with many seeds
- Citrus family
- Grains and cereals
- Caramel and chocolate
- Herbs and flowers
- Spices as a group
- Group of fruits and vegetables
- Blended coffee and single-origin coffee (Blend)
Indigenous coffee is coffee from a single source. It demonstrates the characteristics of the growing area and the factors influenced by the location of production. Blended coffee is a coffee sample made up of coffees from various origins. The mixture is intended to balance the taste and cover each other’s flaws.
Some of the world’s most famous quality coffee types
1. Kopi Luwak
Its prices range from $115 to $590 per 500 grams (weasel coffee). It is the name of a particular coffee considered among the most luxurious and rare in the world. This coffee is found in Indonesia, specifically on the Indonesian islands of Sumatra, Java, and Sulawesi. The term “Kopi Luwak” refers to a nut produced by the spotted civet, a type of animal consumes and excretes coffee berries.
The word Kopi comes from the Indonesian word for coffee. Luwak is the name of a region on the Indonesian island of Java. It’s also the name of the civet. The spotted civet (Paradoxurus hermaphrodites) is a species of civet (Viverridae). This species is found throughout Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and southern China. Fruit and coffee berries are their favorite drinks. However, only the coffee meat is digested in the stomach, while the coffee beans are excreted through the digestive tract. This process is the primary reason for the legendary coffee’s continued existence today.
2. Blue Mountain
Blue Mountain coffee is one of the world’s most expensive and popular Arabica beans. Its origin is in Jamaica, east of the Blue Mountains. To distinguish it from other coffee beans, people call this coffee bean Jamaican Blue Mountain.
The Blue Mountains are one of the world’s highest coffee-growing regions, with elevations ranging from 2000m to 5000m. The climate is pleasant, and the soil is nutrient-rich and permeable. Coffee plants thrive in ideal conditions created by the combination of soil and climate. This type of coffee, however, is not suitable for other areas. Coffee’s flavor will change as a result of climate change. That is why it is only grown in Jamaica and Hawaii nowadays.
Coffee connoisseurs praise this coffee for its mild, aromatic, slightly acidic flavor with a hint of sweetness and richness. A kilogram of this coffee currently costs around $100. Japan is the largest importer of Blue Mountain coffee (90 percent of total production). Tia Maria flavored coffees are also made from these beans.
3. Bourbon
Bourbon is a coffee variety named after its original growing area, the island of Bourbon, now known as Reunion in eastern Madagascar. Before 1789, Réunion, also known as Bourbon Ile, was the birthplace of Café Bourbon. Bourbon was preferred by the French, Africans, and Latin Americans at the time, and it is now one of two Arabica coffees. Typica coffee is the most widely grown coffee in the world.
Café Bourbon is typically grown at altitudes ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 meters and yields 20-30% more than Typica while producing comparable coffee quality.
This coffee has a very appealing sour flavor and a seductive aroma. Take a sip, and you’ll be ecstatic. Bourbon has long been colonized and cultivated in Vietnam’s highlands. It is currently the most popular and delicious Vietnamese coffee variety.
4. Ethiopia
Ethiopia is known as the “Cradle of Coffee.” A nomad herding goat on an Ethiopian mountainside in the tenth century was the first to notice the stimulating effects of coffee. Mystical Muslim Sufi pilgrims spread the drink throughout the Middle East. This coffee variety, which originated in the Middle East, gradually gained popularity in European and American countries.
Coffee farmers in Ethiopia cultivate in four separate systems: forest coffee, semi-forest coffee, coffee gardens, and coffee plantations. Ethiopia is Africa’s third-largest producer of coffee. It has nearly 700,000 smallholder coffee producers, 54 percent of whom work in semi-forests. For over ten generations, coffee has been a part of their indigenous cultural traditions.
Ethiopian coffee is one of the world’s most famous coffee origins. The average Ethiopian coffee farmer’s income is about $900 per year. Ethiopian coffee certification began in 1957, with the establishment of the Coffee Council of Ethiopia (NCBE). The NCBE’s mission is to control and coordinate coffee production, sales, exportation, and quality improvement.
The aroma of indigenous African coffee varieties is incomparable, with a combination of chocolate and baked goods, the smell of grassland and fruit; with tastes ranging from sweet to sour, bitter to spicy. It is undeniably a kingdom worth exploring for a lifetime.
5. Villasarchi
Villasarchi is a Bourbon coffee hybrid. Villasarchi grew up in the Sarchi valley, west of Costa Rica’s capital city. The branches of this coffee tree grow at a 45-degree angle from the stem, scattering a well-balanced area of leaves around the tree. Villasarchi grows well in high altitude, shaded areas, and it is suitable for organic farming because it does not tolerate chemical fertilizers. The Villasarchi fruit has a bright red tone that looks very beautiful and appealing; the taste is quite ethereal mixed with a mysterious sweetness-sweetness, creating a strange feeling when drinking.
6. Arabica Typica
Arabica Typica is the oldest coffee variety, having been discovered by humans in the Kaffa region of Ethiopia in the last century. A French naval officer brought Typica coffee seeds to America in the 1700s. Typica has a low yield, a small size, and an oval shape. On the other hand, it has excellent taste, is bittersweet with a slight sourness, and a well-balanced physique.
7. Geisha
Geisha is a rare coffee variety that has popularly captivated the world’s most knowledgeable coffee connoisseurs. It has an indescribably complex flavor. Some say it’s complicated and intense! This coffee was discovered in the small town of Geisha in southwestern Ethiopia and brought to Costa Rica to grow. These Geisha coffee trees grow very tall, with a lovely canopy and long leaves. This Geisha’s berries and beans are also longer than other coffee varieties. This coffee variety’s high quality is derived from plantations in the highlands and is renowned worldwide. Geisha has a sweet taste, a mild sour and bitter aftertaste, and a rich taste, even when combined with the aromas of ripe fruits such as mango, papaya, and peach mixed with honey, herbs, and strawberries or a forest scented with malt sugar.
8. Colombian
It is the hybrid offspring of Robusta and Arabica. It was developed in Colombia to be disease resistant while increasing yield. Colombia attempted to produce dozens of versions of the F10-F1 for decades. F10, also known as the Castillo. Finally, the culmination is the Colombian breed, which proudly bears the country’s name. It is Colombia’s most popular cultivar. Colombia has a particular aroma, very high acidity, a bitter aftertaste, and almost no sweet aftertaste.
Colombian coffee is a blend of coffee beans from various regions to ensure high quality. Colombian coffee beans, like Kona and Jamaican Blue Mountain, are entirely derived from Arabica coffee, which has a smoother, less acidic flavor profile than Robusta beans.
A unique view of coffee at HELENA
Coffee lovers consider the distinctiveness and variety of coffee to be a “lucky thing.” We can see the evolution and progression of coffee through taste. Coffee’s diverse nature is already a unique beauty that makes it appealing: the beauty of difference.
Someone once said that we could analyze and learn about many aspects of life through coffee, such as geography, history, economics, biology, chemistry, coffee logic, and subtle life experiences. It is a thirst for knowledge. For some, coffee represents the sharing of love in every drop of coffee, sweat, and tears that we have contributed collectively. It is genuine vibrational love.
At Helena Coffee, we strive for quality in every our coffee product. They are the result of the efforts of Vietnamese coffee farmers and our unwavering commitment to bringing high-quality coffee from our homeland to customers all over the world. Hopefully, one of you will become a potential partner with us in the future as we work to expand the coffee map of Helena, and Vietnam in general.
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