Coffee Sickness

Vietnamese Coffee Exporter
Coffee Sickness

Coffee Sickness: 14 ways to cure coffee sickness. Coffee attracts people for various reasons, from its aroma to its numerous health benefits, but it may also make you “ecstatic” when you don’t know what you’re doing.

Getting drunk on coffee is an entirely different experience from being drunk on beer. Many unfavorable side effects will then harm your body. If you’re new to coffee or are sensitive to its effects, the following advice will help you overcome coffee sickness in any situation.

What Is Drunk Coffee?

Coffee intoxication occurs when the caffeine level in coffee exceeds the body’s usual caffeine intake limit, resulting in undesired side effects.

You will consume a certain amount of caffeine when you drink coffee. Caffeine consumption for an adult is advised at 400 mg per day. However, this does not imply that you must consume over 400mg of coffee to become inebriated.

For example, the body’s limit to “get acclimated to” caffeine is relatively low for a “newbie” who has never drunk coffee. Even a modest amount of caffeine at such a time can lead individuals to develop coffee intoxication symptoms.

Some common symptoms when drinking coffee when drunk:

  • Worrying, restless for no reason
  • Excessive excitement or nervousness
  • Heartbeat fast
  • Stomach nauseous
  • Hands shaking or sweating a lot
  • Blush
  • Shortness of breath or shortness of breath
  • Insomnia
  • Muscle twitching
  • Digestive disorders, nausea, or abdominal pain
  • Psychological excitement

Each person may suffer different symptoms depending on the body and physical condition. Shortness of breath, dizziness, and trembling hands are common side effects of coffee consumption; caffeine excess can result in dizziness, deafness, respiratory failure, and even death in more challenging situations.

Caffeine is also found in teas, soft drinks, and energy beverages. You may have the same sensation when ingesting high amounts of these beverages.

4 Main Reasons Why You’re Drunk Coffee

Caffeine, of course, is the catalyst for binge drinking. On the other hand, other elements have a role in your body’s reaction.

Here are the four primary causes, along with detailed explanations:

Caffeine causes the body to be strongly stimulated

Caffeine stimulates the adrenal glands, causing them to release more adrenaline into the bloodstream than usual.

Adrenaline is a hormone that creates nervous tension and makes the heartbeat quicker. It also enhances cell activity and raises blood pressure. It acts as a chemical mediator, sending nerve impulses to various organs in the body.

Fear, anger, and pleasure are all tightly linked to creating adrenaline. This technique aids you in becoming more attentive and prepared to respond to unanticipated dangers.

However, when the body is “forced” to produce adrenaline after drinking coffee, it is easy to lose control and become anxious and over-excited, leading to dizziness and other side effects.

The typical bitter taste of coffee

According to specific scientific findings, bitterness can also factor in coffee intoxication.

According to our instincts, bitterness is frequently associated with risks and threats to the body. As a result, too bitter coffee can similarly activate the response mechanism, resulting in the same stress and anxiety symptoms described above.

Influenced by heredity

An interesting fact was discovered in prior research on 3,000 coffee consumers. Scientists have revealed that certain people have a specific genetic variant that leads them to “digest” caffeine differently than others. Caffeine in the body will build for a longer time, be less degraded, and readily produce coffee intoxication.

Difference due to age

The degree and frequency of coffee intoxication in each person can also vary depending on age.

With a few exceptions, adults are usually the easiest to adjust to and less prone to intoxication by coffee. However, because children under 16 have a lower tolerance for caffeine, it is recommended that they consume no more than 100 mg per day.

7 Ways To Get Rid Of Coffee Drunk Quickly On The Spot

What can I do if I’m getting intoxicated from coffee? The signs and symptoms of coffee addiction will gradually fade away. All you have to do now is wait and rest.

There are, however, a few techniques to expedite the procedure. If you’re stumped on what to do with coffee, here are seven practical suggestions to get you started:

Drink lots of water

Filtered water is a simple but effective approach to aid the body’s caffeine-neutralization process in the stomach. Since then, caffeine’s stimulant effects have been better regulated, effectively lowering coffee intoxication.

Prepare 500ml of water (equal to one regular-sized bottle of Lavie) and consume it all in under 10 minutes. Then, after around 1-2 hours, sit back and relax as the effects of coffee intoxication fade.

Eat more starch

Although it may appear unrelated, adding starch to coffee will considerably help the problem. A bowl of rice or some bread will help fill the stomach with caffeine. At the same time, starch provides energy to the body, which helps to prevent exhaustion and hangovers caused by coffee.

Drink honey lemon water.

Lemon and honey are natural remedies that are easy to come by yet are seldom overlooked when treating coffee poisoning. A warm lemonade with love, high in vitamins and antimicrobial components, will instantly alleviate weariness.

Half a lemon, 200-300ml warm water, and a small scoop of honey are the ingredients for this recipe. You can consume coffee while drunk or daily.

You will constantly be replenished with beneficial ingredients if you drink it daily, helping to raise the body’s limitations to better battle coffee sickness in all scenarios.

Drink ginger tea

Ginger tea is well-known for its ability to warm the body, regulate blood pressure, and stimulate toxin excretion.

Ginger tea helps suppress and lower the quantity of caffeine that makes you drunk. You will feel more rejuvenated as your body progressively heats up and sweats (after 15-20 minutes), removing the previously unpleasant feeling.

Hot steam bath

Using hot steam to treat it is similar to treating a cold. It will make you feel a lot better.

Boil water in a small saucepan, and sit in a tight place, such as a blanket, with your face near the pot… It’s enough to persevere for around 15-20 minutes till you’re sweating and the water has stopped evaporating.

The effect of hot steam on the nervous system and muscles is that it circulates blood, which helps to relax the mind and relieve tension. This is a relatively easy and effective approach to getting rid of a hangover.

Practice breathing

Proper breathing is also a tiny but powerful remedy for mild symptoms like headaches and dizziness.

How to breathe:

  • The first 4 seconds: Inhale deeply through the nose
  • The following 7 seconds: Focus on holding your breath, not exhaling quickly
  • Last 8 seconds: Exhale slowly through your mouth

Applying the above breathing method helps you add more oxygen to your blood, increase your ability to stay awake, and relax to fight dizziness and fatigue.

Campaign to fight coffee sickness

The body’s metabolism will be sped up by engaging in vigorous physical activity. The excess caffeine will be digested and removed swiftly after that.

There’s no need to be fussy; simply strolling and taking a few breaths would suffice. When drunk with coffee, regular breathing is also an excellent technique to alleviate uneasiness and stress by controlling the spirit of release.

7 Ways to Cure Coffee Drunk Through Daily Habits

Get plenty of zinc and magnesium.

Caffeine’s effects on the body can be inhibited and mitigated by zinc and magnesium. These two elements are abundant in fruits like bananas and avocados and treated like dark chocolate and legumes.

Because the foods listed above are all nutritious, you can consume them daily to get the nutrients you need to prevent coffee sickness.

Reduce the frequency of drinking coffee.

As previously stated, coffee intoxication happens when the body’s “accustomed” caffeine threshold is exceeded. To overcome this phenomenon, let us gradually become accustomed to it; don’t push too hard, or it will be too late…

Just cut back on your coffee consumption a little, and don’t be too hurried, no matter how much you enjoy it. You can also opt for dishes that contain less coffee, such as Latte or Mocha, which are sometimes jokingly referred to as “coffee milk” because the main ingredient is milk, and coffee is only a minor component.

Don’t drink coffee when hungry.

Never consume coffee on an empty stomach, whether morning, noon, or night. Caffeine will be easily absorbed by the stomach at this time, increasing your chances of being inebriated.
Drinking coffee on an empty stomach not only makes it simple to get intoxicated, but it also has terrible health consequences. Coffee’s high acid content helps stimulate the stomach, especially when no food can contract.

Psychological tension, heartburn, and even stomach ulcers are all side effects of regularly drinking coffee on an empty stomach.

Do not drink coffee while taking medicine.

Caffeine can be harmful when you’re on medicine, depending on various conditions.

When coupled with some of the drug’s constituents, light coffee reduces the drug’s action and, in severe circumstances, irritates the stomach. If you only drink coffee, you should consider yourself lucky since you won’t get poisoned or develop stomach ulcers.

You can still have a cup of coffee even if you’re on medicine. Drink coffee at least 2-3 hours after the last dose to reduce the danger of caffeine poisoning.

Avoid drinking coffee with alcohol.

Many individuals believe that coffee aids in staying awake and getting out of an inebriated state. All of this, however, is a damaging and dangerous misunderstanding.

Yes, coffee will raise your enthusiasm and help you avoid a hangover if you only consume alcohol. But that is merely a fleeting sensation that cannot be fully resolved.

The amount of alcohol in your blood cannot be reduced by coffee. And yet, the mixture of coffee and alcohol also makes you lose sleep heavily and causes dehydration. Even if you fall back asleep, you’ll feel sleepy and tired when you wake up.

After all, no one wants to deal with the nightmarish combination of coffee and inebriation…

Only drink clean, pure coffee.

When it comes to coffee in Vietnam, it’s impossible to overlook this harsh reality: many coffee shops use a range of seeds combined with popcorn and various unknown-origin by-products.

This procedure improves the appearance and aroma of the coffee, but it is exceedingly detrimental to one’s health. Furthermore, users are unable to verify and trust the nutritional value.

Many sensitive people who drink blended coffee become dizzy and weary quickly, yet incorrectly believe they are inebriated. It’s a side effect of the harmful compounds in it, in essence.

Fortunately, these agents only induce dizziness and diarrhea, if they are stored for a long time, they will settle in various places of the body, raising the risk of cancer.

As a result, if you’re going to become drunk, make sure it’s with pure coffee from respected brands and retailers. At the very least, you won’t have to worry about health issues or diseases in the future.

Use decaf coffee

Decaf coffee, unlike ordinary coffee, is prepared from decaffeinated beans up to 97 percent decaffeinated. As a result, caffeine’s adverse effects will be eradicated from your list of concerns.

Because caffeine doesn’t affect the taste of coffee beans, the experience of drinking decaf coffee is still intact.

However, just a few establishments offer decaf coffee as a preparation ingredient. As a result, you’ll have to do some work independently, primarily by purchasing decaf coffee to brew at home.


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