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What Is The Difference Between Specialty Coffee And Commercial Coffee?


What Is The Difference Between Specialty Coffee And Commercial Coffee? We all know that specialized coffee is superior to commercial coffee, but what is the difference? Our specialty coffee and commercial coffees are harvested with the same distinct qualities and flavors we all enjoy. I don’t believe it’s that simple!

Coffee is the world’s most popular beverage. It is consumed all across the world, with an infinite number of coffee shops selling a variety of coffee-based beverages milk cafe, like espresso… The number of lovers of this drink is steadily increasing, and numerous figures indicate that it will continue to do so for many years to come.

What makes specialty one so unique and enticing to coffee enthusiasts?

Producing specialized, high-quality coffee necessitates a great deal of attention to detail. The quality of the coffee is affected by a variety of factors, including fertilizer, care, shading methods, altitude, and the sort of crops cultivated in microbial plots.

To prepare a specialty coffee, meticulous attention to detail is required throughout the entire process – and three key quality control points can make or break a superb cup of coffee.

Last but not least, perfect The following is what Helena Coffee would like to discuss with you in greater detail:

Select Only The Best Coffee Berries in Harvesting

Do you believe picking ripe coffee is a simple task? It’s not at all straightforward! For dedicated farmers, this is the most challenging and time-consuming step.

Traditional farming traditions dictate that the harvest season for bean robusta beans coffee kinds begins in October and ends in January. In contrast, the harvest season for Arabica coffee species begins one month later.

They will normally pick one time for commercial coffee, and they will pick suitable for their cultivation location (pick all the fruits on the coffee tree regardless of green – ripe, at this time, the ratio of ripe fruit is estimated at 50 – 85 percent ).

Why would they do such a thing? For the simple reason, that quantity trumps quality. Commercial coffee is frequently marketed as a commodity rather than a luxury item by commercial coffee brands.

The more output you produce, the more money you make with this company model. Even if you do better, the buying agent/green coffee buyer will not accept a greater price for your coffee shipment.

Things are progressively changing since the appearance of coffee from the third wave (specialty coffee). To obtain comparable value, the pioneer farmers in this category refuse to sell their coffee at a low price and instead seek to process other product lines of higher quality. Only ripe red coffee berries should be collected at specialized coffee farms.

This is critical since underripe (even young) or overripe coffee might result in a sour or bitter taste in the final cup of coffee. Because, as previously stated, farmers (coffee pickers) are paid based on the amount of coffee they collect, this is not a minor difficulty for a farm.

Pickers will still be paid based on the weight on specialty coffee farms, but they will be given a premium price to compensate for the lesser weight harvested and a portion of the harvest.

The foregoing efforts are insufficient; in fact, due to variances in varietals, care regimens, and climatic and soil conditions, selecting 100 percent mature coffee beans is impossible… Coffee does not ripen at the same time as other fruits. Not to mention the additional obstacles that Robusta coffee will face.

As a result, when the coffee is harvested, it will be washed and picked up to eliminate the low-quality seeds, and then more labor will be required to select green fruits – fully matured by hand once again. This guarantees that only the ripest and most delicious coffee cherries are used.

Quality control preliminary processing in green coffee

After selecting ripe coffee beans, they will be left whole, peeled, peeled, or entirely removed, depending on the coffee processing method used, before being dried and dried to a specified degree of quality. This is the basic distinction between specialty coffee and commercial one.

It’s time to get ready for the next step: peeling the silk, which requires 10 to 12 percent humidity. This is where the quality control check for the second time comes into play.

Because the flat, dark, brown, deep, broken seeds that “accidentally” pass through the above censorship steps will be deleted totally manually at this step, even though there are now answers.

Few farmers, however, can afford to invest in a modern color sorter because of its high cost and limited use time (it is only used during the harvest season).

More importantly, by hand-picking the traditional hand, we have established employment for local employees, which is beneficial for supplementing their income. These damaged beans are not sold at specialty coffee shops but are found in commercial coffee, commonly used in coffee drinks.

Important Taste Distinctions Of Commercial Coffee And Specialty Coffee

What are the differences between them?

Commercial coffee Specialty coffee
Has a bitter flavor that is complemented by traditional coffee characteristics like cocoa and chocolate nuts (almond, coconut, pecan, and hazelnut) is available in a wide range of flavors and smells, including:
Citrus: orange, tangerine, lime, berry Sweets: sugar cane Citrus: orange, tangerine, lime, berry
Aromas of Vegetables Strawberry Floral Fruits (exotic coffees)


Commercial coffee is typically traded on international stock exchanges and roasted by national brands to be supplied in bulk. On the other hand, specialty coffee only accepts the best beans and is traded by professional roasters in the world.

Differences between specialties ones?

Specialty coffee is divided into two categories:

Single-origin specialty coffee 

Coffee from a single country is known as single-origin coffee. Single-origin blends contain solely coffee beans harvested in a single nation, whereas most blends contain beans from at least two separate countries. This gives the coffee a distinct, unique flavor.

Single-origin blends are made up of different beans cultivated in different sections of the country, and the number of different kinds that can be included in these mixes is unlimited.

Single-origin is preferable not just in terms of quality but also aids the survival of certain communities. It would be easy for single firms to have a monopoly on their country’s coffee production and exports if single-origin coffee didn’t exist.

However, various beans from different farms are valuable due to the appeal of single-origin. It’s not just about the price and the quality; it’s also about the diversity and flavors. There is no such thing as a better or worse bean in specialty coffee, just as there is no such thing as a right or incorrect answer in philosophy.

Small communities, such as Bolivian indigenous peoples, can continue to sell coffee despite their lack of infrastructure and, as a result, greater expenses.

Single-Family Home

You choose beans from a single estate when you want to be even more exact than single-origin. These beans are grown in close proximity to one another and in the same climate.

The beans are normally of excellent quality, and they are grown with great care. Single estate coffee means not only high quality but also a particular flavor that is nearly impossible to replicate in other coffees. Single estate coffee that tastes nice is difficult to come by unless you’ve been around for a while.

This sort of coffee is typically only available from estates with 50 years or more of coffee-growing experience. No other coffee is as difficult to find as this one. Some states are extremely protective of their beans, to the extent that some varieties are only available in one location.

This is the situation with Geisha coffee beans, the world’s most costly coffee bean, as described earlier. It is now produced by only one estate in the world, and you can bet they aim to keep it that way.

Coffee Benefits Commercial Coffee And Specialty Coffee

The high-quality green coffee beans are ready for the next stage: coffee roasting after being de-husked and inspected for flaws. But that’s not all; at this point, the layers of silk (coffee grounds) are still present, and the hand must be picked up again.

Process Quality Control Is Still In Place For Finished Rocked Coffee

The roaster receives high-quality green coffee, performs sample roasting processes, and finds the best roasting profile for each type.

The act of “tasting” reveals processing flaws or reveals the great tastes that this coffee bean possesses, and it is a process that will continue to repeat itself throughout the seasons till the last delicious cup of coffee has been served and appreciated on the farm.

We have the power to perform miracles. Specialty coffee isn’t just a product; it’s also the result of a group effort. We’re working together from farm to cup to build a transparent coffee industry that produces excellent coffee from great locations, brewed by amazing people.

What We Served And Where To Get Beans?

We only source, buy, and roast pre-ground specialty coffee at Helena Coffee. We made every attempt to inform the consumer about exactly what they are drinking, where the beans came from, and how to make the bag packaging as informative as possible.

Every origin we purchase is rigorously profiled on the roasting machine, every roast is thoroughly reviewed on the cupping table, and if something does not go our way, we return to the drawing board and start over. Simply put, we don’t sell anything that we wouldn’t drink!

When you find something you like on our shelves or in our bar, buy a bag or two and/or have it as often as you like in the bar. Because specialty coffees are made in lesser quantities, they are not widely available.

Because specialty coffee beans roasters are known for wanting a larger selection of coffee at any given time in order to provide more options for the discerning bud of the ever-growing consumer palate, this means that for a given coffee, only around 600kg of greens or around 500kg of roasted coffees are available for tasting or purchase.

After three to four months, customers are unlikely to see the same coffee again, yet similar-tasting coffees will appear in the future.

Method specialty coffee is unique not just because of its high quality and flavor preferences specialty coffee also because of the transparency of the entire crop-to-cup chain, which involves hundreds of dedicated coffee professionals who want to do things correctly. This is the only thing that should make you happy after each sip.


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