What Defines Specialty Coffee? The role of people in the coffee value chain behind the growers is the first. Are they only intended to protect the coffee’s intrinsic quality, or are they intended to enhance or improve it? It’s becoming increasingly evident to me that we’re in charge of one or more of the following at all times: preserving, modifying, or distributing high-quality coffee to the general public.
As a result, roasters are accountable not only for maintaining the quality of coffee obtained from growers, raw processors, and exporters, but also for transforming the potential. Green coffee beans have a higher capacity than roasted coffee beans. Similarly, baristas are responsible for not just preserving all of the quality that has been built up in a roasted coffee bean, but also for the process of bringing the coffee to the customer.
This encompasses not just the transition of coffee into a beverage during the brewing process, but also the full experience of drinking coffee in a specific setting.
Second, we must analyze the long-term viability of specialty coffees. That is, even if good-tasting coffee is delivered to the customer at the expense of the farmers and the land on which it is grown, it cannot be classified as specialty coffee. This is the most fundamental idea in our evaluation of a specialty coffee, but it is also the most difficult to measure scientifically.
Nevertheless, we must continue to comply to comprehend and enjoy all of the aspects that contribute to creating a specialty coffee.
What is the difference between specialty coffee and regular coffee?
The American Specialty Coffee Association (SCAA) published this article in June 2009.
When asked about the origin of the term specialty coffee, Don Holly wrote in an article for The Specialty Coffee Chronicle in 1998, “My first understanding of the term specialty coffee came from Erna Knutsen, from Knutsen Coffee Ltd., in a speech to delegations at an international coffee conference held in Montreuil, France in 1978.
The notion of specialty coffee is straightforward: diverse micro-geographic characteristics produce coffee beans with distinct flavors, which she refers to as “specialty coffee.” Coffee that has been well-cared for, freshly roasted, and correctly brewed are all elements that make up the concept of specialty coffee.
The specialty coffee market has grown on this foundation during the 20 years following Ms. Erna’s speech. In this framework, the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) continues to define specialty coffee. ” We created the notion of specialty coffee in SCA’s history on this foundation.”
Clearly, a specialty coffee chain’s tight structure significantly impacts how we view, develop, and promote specialty coffee. Unlike wine, which we consume on a daily basis, there are other aspects that go into managing to manufacture and getting the finished product to market. In the wine model, an individual or a firm can be fully responsible for all aspects of the final product, including planting, tending, harvesting, primary processing, deep processing, packaging, and market launch Read More Furthermore, the wine industry isn’t reliant on anything more difficult than popping a cork and pouring wine into the proper glass.
Coffee often passes through a variety of actors, from farmers to middlemen to roasters and brewers, before reaching the ultimate consumer, and the final experience is unaffected by any single aspect. , we must examine the role of each actor and construct a definition for specialty coffee at each level of production and business operations in order to truly understand what it is.
Potential is the first major notion here, and throughout the entire chain. The concept of specialty coffee is locked down until roasted coffee is brewed and made into a drink; it’s merely a possibility, a chance for us to appreciate a masterpiece. From the beginning, specialty coffee must be limited to a combination of characteristics simultaneously: variety, microclimate, soil, and care.
Growing a wonderful coffee variety at the incorrect latitude or in the wrong soil will generate specialty coffee with the wrong combination of varieties and biochemistry, whereas growth in the right conditions will produce specialty coffee with the appropriate combination of varieties and biochemistry. The pedigree is incorrect. Finally, tree care is necessary to preserve the plant’s potential.
The preservation notion is the next significant concept. To preserve a ripe coffee berry on a healthy coffee tree of a soil-appropriate coffee variety that has been blessed with the perfect weather conditions and care, it must be harvested at the right period of ripeness.
Coffee beans’ specialty potential should be preserved. Coffee buyers frequently advise coffee growers that the single most important thing they can do to improve the quality of their beans is to pick only when the beans are fully mature.
A fresh cycle begins when the harvest is completed. At this point, the coffee cherries must go through a series of preliminary steps. Introducing ripe cherries into a wet processing plant is the first step in producing most specialty coffees. The amount of time between harvest and the start of processing can significantly impact the coffee beans’ final quality. To preserve the specialty potential of specialty coffees, they must be transported quickly from the place of harvest to the processing plant.
Whether the coffee is dehulled by machine and subsequently washed or treated in a vertical oven, the initial processing must be done carefully to avoid breaking the beans. The coffee beans must be dried after removing the peel and film, which is a vital step. Drying too quickly or too slowly, drying unevenly, drying and then rewetting, and not drying adequately will all degrade the beans’ quality.
The initial processing must be done carefully to avoid breaking the beans, whether the coffee is dehulled by machine and then washed or treated in a vertical oven. After removing the peel and film from the coffee beans, they must be dried, which is an important step. The quality of the beans is degraded by drying too rapidly or too slowly, drying unevenly, drying and then rewetting, and not drying adequately.
From green coffee beans to roasted coffee, coffee beans will progress to the next stage of the transformation cycle. This is the time to talk about the third main element, the coffee bean’s appearance. A coffee roaster must accurately identify the beans’ potential, produce the appropriate flavor qualities, and finally package the roasted beans properly.
An inexperienced roaster, malfunctioning equipment, inadequate packaging materials, or improper packaging can all result in a quality disaster. Even if all of the aforementioned are taken into account, the specialty potential of coffee may still be jeopardized because the specialty coffee transformation chain has two more processes before the beverage is consumed. Specialty coffee is used.
The coffee must be ground after roasting and before brewing. Because many of the coffee’s delicate fragrance qualities become completely apparent only after grinding and drastically increase during brewing due to rapid and complete oxidation, grind coffee as close to brewing time as possible. The brewing process determines the grind size, which is equally significant. For some beers, grind too fine, but you risk over-extracting and damaging the cup. If you grind your coffee too fine, it won’t be able to reach its full potential.
Finally, when all of the steps from the coffee plant to the final consumer have been properly and thoroughly attended to, the coffee is brewed, regardless of whether it is brewed, dripped, or brewed. The precise application of rules for water quality, brewing temperature, coffee/water ratio, and adequate extraction must be followed to make specialized coffee drinks in the French press.
So, how can we tell if we’re drinking specialized coffee or not? We determine that coffee passes all of the tests along its long trip from coffee tree to coffee cup to the utmost extent possible. More specifically, we assess coffee against a set of standards and a process that allows us to identify whether it has been properly cared for.
The SCAA, for example, has created a viable technique of rating specialty coffees because it is impossible to verify every single bean from each coffee garden from harvest to processing, drying, and shipment. To analyze the quality of the beverage and uncover any problems created by bad procedures that lead to a loss of specialty potential, utilize coffee ratings and a standard brewing process.
At the green bean stage, the SCAA defines specialty coffee as being free of fundamental faults, appropriately sized and dried, in a cup of coffee brewed free of defects or residues and having unique flavors. Other processing requirements are established from the stage of green coffee beans to the final beverage.
For example, the SCCA brewing rules for drip coffee specify a predetermined water-to-coffee ratio, extraction level, water temperature, and temperature maintenance and brewing time. Roasting standards are being created alongside efforts to create certification systems for coffee roasters, ensuring that they are appropriately trained in the storage and brewing of coffee to expose the full potential of the specialty.