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Strictly Hard Bean Coffee: Everything You Should Know

Strictly Hard Bean Coffee Everything You Should Know

Strictly Hard Bean Coffee Everything You Should Know

Strictly Hard Bean Coffee: Everything You Should Know – Strictly High Grown Coffee is defined as coffee grown above 1,200 meters (4,000 feet). The term Strictly Hard Bean is also used interchangeably.

What is Strictly Hard Bean Coffee?

A categorization used in several Central American nations (Guatemala Guatemalan) to denote coffee cultivated at elevations more than 1200 feet/4000 meters: A classification or rating for specialty coffee in Costa Rica.

Indicates that the coffee was cultivated over 1200 meters (4,000 feet) in elevation. Higher altitude bean cultivation results in denser beans with superior specialty cup quality.

The Special Thing Of This Coffee

Because greater elevations result in slower bean growth, more nutrients are given to the coffee, making for a more nutrient-dense bean, higher elevation coffee beans (SHG specifically) are frequently sought after.

More taste and beneficial organic chemicals are present in the coffee as nutritional density increases.

The more effort is normally required to move equipment up to the heights and to transfer harvested coffees to ports for transportation, the higher the elevation.

The producers incur a little greater cost as a consequence, but this isn’t often reflected in the market price; instead, the higher pricing for SHG coffee is typically attributable to the better quality that comes from growing at a higher altitude.

Having fewer harvests each year leads to a decrease in the amount of coffee produced overall. This should result in higher costs, however, the higher prices are really a reflection of the greater quality.

Example: Honduras Coffee Tasting Notes

Honduras’ terrain spans three distinct coffee bean grades, from lowlands to mountains: Strictly high grown (above 4,400 feet above sea level), high grown (between 3,900 and 4,400 feet above sea level), and central standard (below 3,900 feet above sea level) are the three categories. Honduran coffee typically has a medium-round body, a well-balanced acidity, and is aromatic and fragrant.

here are six distinct coffee-producing areas in Honduras, all of which produce highly coveted coffee. There are distinct flavors from chocolate to tropical fruit in each of the six locations.

Due to the difficulty in distinguishing Honduran coffee in blends, it is frequently offered as single-origin coffee. Three of Honduras’ six coffee districts, Agata, Copan, and Montecillos, have the most distinctive tastes.

Copan, which is located along the western coast, offers milder temperatures and is situated between 3,280 and 4,920 feet above sea level. Coffee from this region is robust and creamy, with lingering aromas of caramel, chocolate, and lemon. In this area, Arabica Bourbon, Caturra, and Catai are farmed.

Last but not least, Montecillos, with heights varying from 3,937 to 5,249 feet above sea level, is situated close to the El Salvadorian border. The coffee is given a silky body, crisp acidity, and sweeter aromas like apricot, lemon, peach, and caramel by the higher elevation and ensuing lower weather.

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