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The Consumers

The Consumers

The Consumers

The Consumers – Consumers perceive coffee in a very different way than professionals. Coffee is a daily beverage for them (rather than a luxury or unique occasion beverage), and most coffee drinkers start their day with it.
During meetings and when friends “get together for coffee,” it is usually served to groups. Some individuals drink coffee because it gives them energy, while others are caffeine sensitive or prefer to avoid it. Thus they choose decaffeinated coffee.
On the other hand, the growth of specialty coffee products has made coffee a more affordable luxury. At the same time, specialty coffee fans are becoming more knowledgeable about the beverage.
Some individuals purchase coffee based on its origin, while others opt for a well-known mix or a coffee made for a specific preparation method.

On the other hand, even the most knowledgeable coffee drinkers lack the expertise of a coffee specialist who enjoys the sensory diversity in the final cup and is aware of the coffee origins’ fundamental quality.

Instead, a person’s relationship with coffee is shaped by cognitive experience, cultural and social context, genetic inheritance, brand awareness, quality perception, and flavor preferences.

According to Cristovam et al. (2000), a new market for espresso specialty goods has emerged, and coffee providers are oblivious to consumer preferences. They are also unable to relate to a variety of market sectors.

They build goods based on espresso features when cappuccino and latte beverages are the most popular.

Any coffee expert who wants to provide their consumers with a fantastic coffee experience should always ask themselves the following questions: What level of coffee knowledge do their customers have? What are their preferences? What inspires them to drink coffee (or coffee), and what might push them to switch to or try new coffee varieties?

Dimensions of Consumer Preferences for Intrinsic Coffee

According to previous studies, consumers prefer classic coffee over a newer specialty coffee in Brazil’s fast-paced coffee market. Even if these preferences change over time, the Brazilian coffee study might be applied to all countries with a lengthy history of traditional coffee.

Consumers have a wide range of preparation methods. When given the choice of instant coffee with varying amounts of milk and sugar in Spain (Varela et al., 2014), most consumers chose this sweet, milky coffee beverage. In another survey, most customers in Glasgow (Cristovam et al., 2000) favored light espresso and light cappuccino. Consumers who preferred light espressos and strong espressos had two distinct preference patterns. In this scenario, adding milk to a cappuccino affected the choice, as all consumers exhibited a higher preference for robust espresso in their cappuccino when compared to the black version.

In a reanalysis of the 1995 European Sensory Network coffee study, Moskowitz and Krieger (1998) proposed a consumer preference segmentation based on the level of coffee bitterness.

Tested across five European countries, consumers were split among those who liked coffee with low bitterness, intense anger, and medium offense.

A similar study on bitterness in chocolate milk by Harwood et al. (2012) showed that consumers who preferred dark chocolate rejected anger at twice as high as consumers who claimed milk chocolate.

For the authors, either liking or rejecting bitterness in the chocolate was not based on the subject’s sensitivity to the taste, given that the detection threshold for anger was the same between the two consumer groups.

Extrinsic Factors Influence Consumer Coffee Perceptions.

Price and Information (business)

We may categorize consumers into many groups based on how they perceive the beverage, how they consume it, and what they expect. Some customers regard coffee as a common occurrence and base their purchasing selections on price.

Others regard coffee as a way of life, with specific expectations regarding quality, social responsibility, or status identification; pricing is less relevant to these customers.

In a study by Asioli et al. (2015) on the relatively new beverage iced coffee, Norwegian consumers claimed they would choose the cheapest and lowest-calorie drink offered to them, regardless of whether the sensory profile of iced coffee produced with an espresso or a latte appealed to them.

Lange et al. (2015) looked at the influence of offering both extra information and sensory exposure for Fairtrade and regular coffees in a 2002 study with French consumers.

As customers were given additional information about the nature of the coffee, their willingness to pay more for ethical items increased compared to conventional products, according to the findings. When customers could sample the coffee before purchasing it, their choice became statistically significant.

Emotions of Coffee Consumers Cr

According to Bhumiranata et al. (2014), consumers drink coffee largely for enjoyment, and this experience produces deep and distinct feelings that require their emotional lexicon.

Consumers have various coffee tastes, according to the authors, and they seek different emotional experiences based on the sensory qualities of coffee.

Some people drink coffee to feel comfortable, pleasurable,e or rewarded for all low-energy experiences. Others drink coffee to feel more active, energetic, or rested by experiencing stimulating, positive, high-energy emotions. Others consume coffee to acquire a focused mental state, such as feeling more educated or driven., services, and money.   

According to Labbe et al. (2015), consumer motivation for drinking coffee contributes to a varied emotional state and level of pleasantness. Consumers with a hedonic motivation were likelier to feel comfortable, contented, amused, or energized while preparing coffee.

Consumers with practical incentives, on the other hand, were more agitated and aroused. After consuming the coffee, consumers with a practical motivation’s emotional state reverted to those labeled with a hedonic motivation rating.

Are Consumer Ratings and Experts Bound Not to Understand One Another?

Because there is little input from consumers, according to Morales (2002), coffee grading systems and experts have a limited impact on consumer purchasing.

The expert quality claims on coffee packets should align with customers’ perceptions and readiness to buy a particular coffee. On the other hand, we recognized that consumer perceptions of quality are influenced by expert opinions, as evidenced by Vignes and Gergaud wines (2007).

Consumers scored four champagne wines differently when they tasted them blind versus when they tasted them with full knowledge of pricing and brands in this study.

This revealed a gap between consumers’ beliefs and real taste preferences, influenced by their oenological levels and personal preferences.

How can we ensure that the consumer is well-informed and eager to pay for the product reviews appliances? The expert should strive to align the perceived sensory experience with the expectations and preferences of the customers. He should also endeavor to improve product information so that customers can find high-quality, chosen items.

How can we ensure that the consumer is well-informed and eager to pay for the consumer reports products? The expert should strive to align the perceived sensory Microsoft internet explorer with the expectations and preferences of the customers. He should also endeavor to improve product information so customers can find high-quality, chosen items and bills.

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