Search Results: green coffee bean

Vietnamese Coffee Exporter
Coffee Daily News

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe – Wake You Up With Fragrance, Beat You Up With Taste

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe – Wake You Up With Fragrance, Beat You Up With Taste: Bordeaux is a world-famous wine-producing region and Ethiopia Yirgacheffe is likened to the Bordeaux of the coffee world. Ethiopia is the home of coffee, where coffee is of the highest quality in the world. So where Ethiopia’s coffee begins – Yirgacheffe. Coffee from this land is interesting and worth enjoying. This is the type of coffee that you must try when learning about coffee. Yirgacheffe – when coffee is not coffee  Yirgacheffe coffee is one …
Espresso Makers - Top International Brands By CountryCoffee Machines

Espresso Makers – Top International Brands By Country

Espresso Makers - Top International Brands By Country - Perfect methods for making every drop of coffee are required for good coffee. Otherwise, it will be a waste of raw materials and culture, a rich and delicate living value. Many concoctions have been used around the world, each of which produces different types of drinks in terms of both appearance and taste. One of the most popular methods in the coffee world today is an Espresso. In addition to high-quality …
Mastering ConsistencyCoffee Daily News

Mastering Consistency

Mastering Consistency. In addition to being elusive when crafting outstanding espresso, most roasters can produce a superb roast now and then but can’t manage to do it consistently. Uneven roasts are caused by variations in the roaster’s thermal energy, green bean temperature and humidity, environmental circumstances, and chimney cleanliness. The tips in this chapter were created to assist you to control or mitigating the effects of these factors. Any roaster can increase uniformity by following these guidelines. How to Heat a Roaster When …
Planning a Roast BatchCoffee Daily News

Planning a Roast Batch

Planning a Roast Batch – Before beginning a roast, the roaster must make several decisions. Before deciding on the beginning temperature (charge stamp), gas setting, and airflow, he must consider batch size, machine design, and varied grain characteristics. Coffee roaster Coffee beans are matured seeds from the coffee cherry. After that, they are processed and dried into coffee beans. Coffee beans are green before roasting and have a beany and grassy aroma. Green coffee beans, in fact, do not smell like coffee at …
espresso-de-gassingCoffee Shop

Espresso De-gassing

Espresso De-gassing: Those of us who prepare coffee on a regular basis are familiar with the term “de-gas,” (degassing coffee beans) or as some refer to it, “breathing coffee.” After roasting, freshly roasted coffee absorbs a lot of gas (mostly CO2) and slowly releases it over time. When in contact with hot water, this gas is easily extracted. That’s why many people wait a few days for the gas to dissipate before putting freshly roasted coffee in hot water to avoid …
Physical Changes During Roasting (2)Roasted Coffee

Physical Changes During Roasting

Physical Changes During Roasting - Coffee changes color loses moisture, expands, and becomes brittle as it is roasted. While all coffee professionals assign names to roasting stages based on seed color, there is no universal agreement on what level of roasting each term denotes. 1. Discoloration – Color Changes Although the seeds decrease the quantity of water at the same rate throughout the roasting process, the initial stage of the roasting process is often referred to as the “drying phase.” The chlorophyll degradation …
buon-hoCoffee Shop

Buon Ho

Buon Ho - Good quality robusta coffee growing area DakLak Province Robusta coffee is the second most important type of coffee (coffee hoa giấy) . This sort of coffee accounts for about 39% of all coffee products. Robusta is known as Vietnam's soul in our country. Coffea Canephora or Coffea Robusta is the scientific name for Robusta coffee (also known as Voi coffee or Ro coffee). Vietnam is pleased to be the world's number one coffee exporting country in 2012, the 5th …
What is Robusta Fully WashedCoffee Beans Essentials

What is Robusta Fully Washed?

Robusta Fully Washed – The machine opened the jar during the peeling process; only ripe fruits may remove the outer shell; therefore, all goods are 100 percent ripe fruit. Furthermore, the evaporation process is slow because the coffee is sun-dried by hand, and the original flavor is kept. It is no exaggeration to call this a world-class ROBUSTA product. What is Fully Washed Robusta Coffee? Robusta Wash is a high-quality Robusta coffee that has been picked and processed using the complete washed fermentation …
Robusta DryCoffee Daily News

Robusta Dry

Robusta Dry – Dry processing is a typical method for Robusta coffee, and it’s perfect in sunny places with dry weather. Because dry processing is more accessible than wet processing, it accounts for about 80% of coffee production in Vietnam. Robusta coffee beans Robusta coffee (whether as a bean, brewed in a cup, or the plant itself) is coffee derived from the plant species Coffea canephora. Coffea canephora is one of the two main species of coffee plants grown around the world, the other …
What Is Natural ProcessingCoffee Daily News

What Is Natural Processing?

What Is Natural Processing? Natural coffee has a pleasant flavor and is processed environmentally sustainable. However, without proper control techniques, they are one of the most prone to fermentation and rotting, posing a risk to producers. Some farmers in Da Lat, Daklak, have switched to this way of primary processing, and they’ve discovered the benefits and drawbacks of it and how to assure adequate quality control at each stage. What is Natural Processing Method, and how does it work? Coffee isn’t a bean …
Robusta HoneyCoffee Daily News

Robusta Honey

Robusta Honey - What is Robusta Honey Coffee, and how does it differ from other types of coffee? Origin | This coffee's flavor "If you appreciate the deep tenderness of Arabica coffee, choose Arabica. If you enjoy Robusta's strong and refreshing taste, drink Robusta," which is a common phrase in the coffee world. However, Robusta Honey has captured the hearts of coffee enthusiasts over the last five years, not Arabica or Robusta. What is Robusta Honey coffee, exactly? What is the place …
Coffee Processing

Robusta Wet Polished

Robusta Wet Polished: Robusta coffee has a slightly sour taste, a subtle aroma, and a strong bitter taste. It is exceptionally high in caffeine, so it is preferred by many people who like a robust coffee bean flavor. Robusta coffee is collected and processed to produce multiple Robusta coffee products. Dry-processed Robusta coffee, which accounts for most of them, is the line with the world’s most significant export reserves and is regarded as the icon of Vietnamese coffee. However, traditional processing …