Search Results: Black coffee

Vietnamese Coffee Exporter
French Press Vs AeropressCoffee Daily News

French Press Vs Aeropress

French Press Vs Aeropress: When studying manual methods of coffee preparation, you must have come across the terms French Press and AeroPress. These are, without a doubt, two of the most popular coffee makers on the planet. They’re frequently introduced with phrases like “the best coffee maker,” “the best,” and “a perfect coffee maker,” er… eh… The information is not incorrect in general. It’s just that reading articles explaining or marketing this type of device on the internet might make it …
What is Anaerobic ProcessingCoffee Processing

What is Anaerobic Processing?

What is Anaerobic Processing? In the field of coffee cultivation and processing, processing coffee with natural fruit is a primitive technology. When fresh berries were generally of poor quality, this simple approach was used to process coffees in the past. However, when numerous processing methods and variations in coffee flavor are investigated and used based on this technology, this natural drying coffee processing technique has become quite popular. Let’s go on an adventure with Helena Coffee. What is Anaerobic Processing? As long as …
The Difference Between Normal Arabica And Arabica Cau Dat (2)Arabica

The Difference Between Normal Arabica And Arabica Cau Dat

The Difference Between Normal Arabica And Arabica Cau Dat: We often hear about Arabica coffee, but we don't notice the difference. Therefore, it will be confused between ordinary Arabica and Earth Bridge Arabica when buying. So today, I will share the difference between ordinary Arabica and Arabica Cau Dat. Let us make the right choice and enjoy the quality coffee beans suitable for our pockets. If you are an inexperienced person, this mistake is too normal. But if we do not …
Overview of Dark RoastsCoffee Shop

Overview of Dark Roasts

Overview of Dark Roasts - Coffee was only regarded as a sobriety tool for most users throughout the world before the waves of modern coffee brought us brilliant roasts with unique flavors, therefore coffee dark roast beans coffee was only done as a necessary condition and most coffees were roasted at a dark level. roast). Join Helena to learn about the Overview of Dark Roasts Please read the following article to learn more about why roasted beans generally pick bold roasting methods …
The Construction Of Taste Communities In Europe (2)Coffee History

The Construction Of Taste Communities In Europe

The Construction Of Taste Communities In Europe: In Europe, these developments started somewhat later. Shop roasting started gaining traction among grocers in the 1890s, but stand-alone businesses largely operated at a local or regional level. The First World War did much to popularize coffee as rations and grinders were issued to the troops, but much of the demand was still frequently met through the use of substitutes. According to Ukers: In Europe chicory is not regarded as an adulterantdit is an …
The ConsumersCoffee Shop

The Consumers

The Consumers - Consumers perceive coffee in a very different way than professionals. Coffee is a daily beverage for them (rather than a luxury or unique occasion beverage), and most coffee drinkers start their day with it. During meetings and when friends "get together for coffee," it is usually served to groups. Some individuals drink coffee because it gives them energy, while others are caffeine sensitive or prefer to avoid it. Thus they choose decaffeinated coffee. On the other hand, the growth …

Very Dark – Brown Roast

Very Dark-Brown Roast is the name applied to a segment (Dark Roast), referring to the profound roasting level of the coffee bean. Very Dark-Brown Roast is only very bold, second only to the Italian Roast and behind the Vienna Roast (but generally still the Dark Roast). After the second explosion ended at about 240°C (464°F), the coffee beans were removed. With Very Dark-Brown Roast coffee beans almost baked black, the oil content on the surface is high. Acidity is significantly reduced because …


Defects: Defects or, more precisely, "coffee defect" is an unpleasant characteristics/feelings in taste (negative). Causes may be careless processing of green coffee beans, improper harvesting, inappropriate humidity during storage or insects, etc. Green coffee beans can also contain physical imperfections and defects such as hollow, porous, chipped deformation, underripe or blackened beans, and foul, moldy, or roasted beans affected by insects and animals' invasive harm. Most defects can be detected and eliminated during the grading process. Some areas only remove defects by …


A peaberry is a coffee bean that usually has two kernels, but the fruit sometimes has only one seed. These seeds are more significant and rounder than conventional kernels and are called Peaberry (or Culi coffee in Vietnam). Check out these coffee terms: Density - Particle Density Mucilage – Mucus Parchment – ​​Rice husk Pulp - The Flesh Quakers - Young Kernels Silverskin - Silk Shell Peaberry Bitterness Peaberry bean typically makes up only 1-9% of most coffee varieties, with outstanding, strong taste …
Time In Espresso Extract –Espresso ExtractionCoffee Shop

Time In Espresso Extract –Espresso Extraction

Time In Espresso Extract: The Espresso technique has the most negligible impact on the variable of Time. This factor is measured in seconds, beginning with the start of the pump and ending with the stop of the pump. Although the word “espresso” originally meant “to show off,” the capacity to be “fast” is what makes this coffee renowned. Coffee was first prepared with devices that took less than a minute to brew in the nineteenth century. Today’s espresso machines take roughly 30 …
What Is The History Of The Siphon (5)Coffee History

What Is The History Of The Siphon?

What Is The History Of The Siphon? Siphon's history spans hundreds of years. The predecessor of the Siphon pot was the Vassieux coffee maker, born in the 1840s in France. Through the history of siphon, and many design variations and technical advancements, Siphon has become the Apple of the coffee industry – surpassing all design standards to become a global coffee industry icon. Nearly two centuries after its inception, Siphon is accompanying the third wave of coffee, with an artistic …
History Of Cafe 18th-19th CenturyCoffee History

History Of Cafe 18th-19th Century

History Of Cafe 18th-19th Century: Since 1750, coffee trees have been present on five continents, coffee beans have participated in creating one of the vital turning points in world history - the Great Industrial Revolution, and at the same time abolishing the regime. Moreover, coffee has opened its turning point, becoming a commodity capable of dominating the modern economy and politics. So let's learn about the history of coffee in the last conquest of the 18-19 century with Helena Coffee …