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How Does The Uneven Color Of Dry And Anaerobic Coffee Affect The Taste?

How Does The Uneven Color Of Dry And Anaerobic Coffee Affect The Taste

How Does The Uneven Color Of Dry And Anaerobic Coffee Affect The Taste

How does the uneven color of dry (Natural) and Anaerobic coffee beans affect the taste? Before answering the question, let’s go a little more basic about the theory of coffee color.

What is the color of coffee?

How do coffee beans turn from green to brown? Just like we use diameter as broth in traditional Chinese braised meat. After some time, under the influence of high temperatures, the sugar water will turn caramel brown. Coffee is similar. The sugar in green coffee beans creates the brown color of roasted coffee beans.

During the roasting process, a reaction called Maillard, also known as a browning reaction, will be used in green coffee beans as an ingredient in the reaction and color of roasted coffee beans. The dark and light color of roasted coffee depends on the amount of sugar in the beans, the degree of roasting and another important factor that is the processing of the coffee!

the uneven color of dry

Preliminary processing of green coffee affects the color of roasted coffee?

To put it simply, pre-processing coffee is the process of creating flavor for green coffee beans. And there are countless ways to flavor coffee beans through processing methods. The most commonly seen methods are dry pre-processing, wet pre-processing, and honey pre-processing, and an emerging method in recent years is the anaerobic pre-processing method.

Depending on the method, the results of the raw coffee beans have different colors. Wet pre-processed coffee beans due to fermentation in water after removing all the flesh will make the green beans more evenly colored. Therefore, when roasting the same batch of green beans, wet pre-processed coffee beans will produce roasted coffee beans with highly similar colors.

The color certainly will not be as similar as wet pre-processed coffee beans. The reason is that during the pre-drying process, the flesh of the coffee cherries will be retained and “marinated” more for the coffee beans inside.

And each coffee berry has a different amount of natural sugar inside it, because of this, dried raw coffee beans often have more diverse colors. This creates a distinct color in roasted coffee beans. And it is this color difference that makes many people new to coffee confused? Am I being cheated or not?

Many people misunderstand dry pre-processed

This misunderstanding has caused for a long time, anaerobic and dry pre-processed coffee to be misjudged. And this misunderstanding also has a reason, the fact is that consumers have been… deceived a lot

They mistake the darker beans for burnt roasting, the lighter ones for the Quaker!

Darker beans are simply those that are more deeply fermented (not faulty), more sugar coats the coffee beans, resulting in a slightly darker skin when roasted. compared with peers. What about Quakers?

Quaker beans are an indicator of low-quality roasted coffee. In the commercial and low-grade coffee markets, farmers mainly mix green and ripe coffee. The coffee beans from unripe green coffee cherries are coffee beans that lack sugar. That is why they have few materials to participate in the above browning and coloring reaction.

After over-roasting, the coffee beans from green coffee cherries will be yellow. The taste is bland, the smell is peanut-like, it’s like burnt wood… To avoid these beans, commercial roasters roast these mixed greens at a very dark roast. Because the roast is very dark, the color is almost the same. The color is almost black, dark brown like burnt wood.

How does the uneven color of dry (Natural) and Anaerobic coffee beans affect the taste?

During the transition from commercial coffee to premium coffee (Specialty or Fine Robusta coffee), consumers often take the Quaker factor to evaluate the quality of the roasted batch of coffee. However, it should be clarified that the color and taste of Quaker are very different from that of Specialty coffee.

A lot of people think that the color deviation of high-class dry and anaerobic pre-processed coffee is Quaker beans. The image below will show you the difference between Quakers in different batches of roasted coffee with different processing methods.

As such, the difference in color in pre-processed coffee, a large part of the production process, is due to the coffee pre-processing method. Ido has spent days with the famous Golden Honey coffee from Costa Rica named Costa Rica Music: Bach.

These coffee bean optimizers have the nibs of cocoa beans and listen deeply to the chocolate, sometimes they have dry and whiskey positions. It is that color difference that creates a unique and rich flavor for the Pour Over coffee that I enjoy.

You open your mind…

You will probably experience other final, Special and Excellent flavors just by looking at the appearance of the bean. Italian coffee roasting champion Gardelli once had a clip describing the problem: You can watch the clip here.

The ultimate answer to the question: How do the uneven coloration of primary (Natural) and anaerobic coffee beans affect the taste? is: Test and decide! You won’t be able to tell which is a particle Quaker if they don’t try their work. Likewise, you’ll be missing out on a treasure trove of flavors without the uniformity of the pre-processed beans that skip them. Don’t judge coffee by its appearance.

See with your eyes, mix with your hands, enjoy with your nose and mouth, and explore with your heart. The coffee certainly won’t let you down.

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