Geisha Panama Coffee – The Best Coffee In The World

Vietnamese Coffee Exporter
Geisha Panama Coffee – The Best Coffee In The World

Geisha Panama Coffee – The Best Coffee In The World: The country of Panama is famous for Geisha coffee – the most expensive coffee in the world. While it sells for around $9 a cup in Panama, you can expect to spend as much as $18 on a cup of this magical coffee while in New York City. Still, that’s nothing compared to $68 for a Panama Geisha coffee in luxury Dubai.

The smooth, fruity, tea-like flavor of Panama Geisha is completely different from any coffee you’ve ever tried. The delicate sweetness combined with gentle, balanced acidity provides a clear, sparkling taste of fruits such as berry, citrus, mango, papaya, peach, pineapple, guava, and jasmine.

The aftertaste is long and characteristic with flavors of orange peel or bergamot oil, often described as Earl Gray tea!

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Geisha is one of the purest coffees you can buy, and Panama is the birthplace of this miracle coffee.Although production is plagued with inevitable climate changes, Panama Geisha coffee stands out and is consistently at the top of the list of premium coffees.

1. OVERVIEW (beans, information)

1. About the country of Panama

  • Area : 75,420 km²
  • Capital: Panama City
  • Population : 3,705,246 people (as of July 2016)
  • Languages ​​spoken: Spanish (official), various indigenous languages, Panamanian Creole English (also known as Guari Guari)

2. About coffee production

  • Average size of farm: < 1 – 10 ha

Number of coffee bags for annual export: 50,000 – 100,000 bags

3. About Panama Coffee (buy geisha coffee)

  • Growing regions : Boquete, Renacimiento, Volcan
  • Popular varieties : Catuai, Caturra, Geisha, Mundo Novo

    Geisha Panama Coffee – The Best Coffee In The World

  • Processing method: Wet, Dry (Natural)
  • Coffee bag size: 60kg
  • Harvest time: November – March


Panamanian coffee was born with the arrival of European immigrants in the 19th century, about 50 years after the country gained independence from Spain. As an agricultural product, coffee did not gain a real foothold in Panama until about 20 years ago.

In present-day Panama coffee is mainly produced by smallholder farmers from two main indigenous groups – the Bugles and the Ngobe. In addition, Panamanian coffee is also produced in large and medium-sized areas that are privately owned, often by European or North American immigrants or their descendants.

Coffee growing regions are regions with a combination of microclimates, distinct soil qualities (such as some volcanic soil in the Volcán region), and elevation (between 1000 – 1650m). In addition, these areas also tend to possess abundant freshwater sources for coffee processing.

Geisha Panama Coffee – The Best Coffee In The World
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The country of Panama has long been attractive to Europeans and North Americans seeking an idyllic life in a tropical, beautiful, and relatively stable Latin American country.

In addition, the country’s high demand for real estate, its relatively protective labor law and wage policy, combined with its strong influence on the countries of the Northern Hemisphere have made Panama coffee one of the most expensive coffees to produce as well as to buy.

In addition, on the scale of global coffee production, Panamanian Coffee contributes an almost minuscule amount, and production has been steadily decreasing over the past few years.

However, the gentle flavor and pleasant sweetness of coffee beans from Panama are still easy to make people love. This flavor is a contrast to the strong sour and somewhat harsher taste of other coffees from Central America. The rarest, expenmost sive and, most sought after Panamanian coffee is the Geisha.

Once known as Esmeralda Boquete Geisha, this coffee is grown on the slopes of the Barú volcano near Boquete in Panama. It is therefore not surprising that Boquete is considered the “Bordeaux of coffee” (Bordeaux is an important French port city and is considered the capital of world wine).

The special soil in Boquete is extremely fertile by Withania ash. Combined with the cool alpine climate, this area becomes the perfect mecca for coffee growing.

If you ever get the chance to visit Boquete’s amazing coffee farms, make sure you don’t miss the most incredible ones including Finca La Valentina, Don Pachi Estate, and Hacienda La Esmeralda. In addition, the list of farms to visit also includes Finca Lerida, Finca Dos Jefes, Kotowa Estates, and Café Ruiz.

Each coffee farm has its unique tour that includes hands-on tasting and hands-on experiences. Some tours last several hours. Some other tours have extremely strict rules about coffee.

This rigor is reflected in the requirement that participants do not have any scents such as perfume, body lotion,o, even sunscreen. This is to ensure that the coffee does not acquire any strange odors that could affect the delicate, varied flavor of the coffee.


1. Geisha coffee origin (geisha coffee taste)

Geisha is of the wild original coffee varieties that were collected from the coffee forests of Ethiopia in the 1930s. They were discovered in the mountains around the Abyssinia area in the southwestern town of Gesha in the Gesha region. Ethiopia. Geisha trees grow tall and are easily recognized by their long, beautifully shaped leaves.

The cultivar was then sent to the Lyamungu research station in Tanzania and brought to the Center for Tropical Agricultural Research and Education (CATIE) in Central America in 1953. There the Geisha was codenamed T2722..after being recognized for its tolerance to coffee leaf rust, Geisha were distributed throughout Panama through CATIE in the 1960s.

Geisha Panama Coffee – The Best Coffee In The World

However, the variety had very brittle branches and was not popular with farmers. so it is not widely planted yet. It was only after winning the coffee competition in Panama and breaking the record at the time for the auction price of green coffee beans that the variety became prominent and popular.

Geisha is a cultivar of considerable confusion as many genetically distinct plants are also referred to as Geisha. Many of them have the same geographical origin as Ethiopia.

And genetic diversity analysis conducanal sesorld Coffee Research has confirmed that the Panamanian Geisha descended from T2722 is a variety possessing unique genetic characteristics and unified. This variety has particularly good flavor qualities when the plant is well cared for at its optimum height. Geisha Panama is famous for its fruity scent that combines delicate jasmine and peach aromas.

2. The Growth of Geisha Coffee in Panama

Since the early 2000s, the words “Panama” and “Geisha” have been used almost as synonyms. The variety is “discovered again” in Boquete on the famous Hacienda La Esmeralda farm, owned by the Peterson family. In 2004, the Peterson family selected and graded Geisha beans on their farm for the Best of Panama (BOP) competition to find the best coffees in Panama.

They quickly captured the attention of the entire Specialty Coffee world. Soon after, lots of Geisha green beans from Esmeralda fetched $140/lb in closed online auctions.

The incredible success of Geisha from Esmeralda has spontaneously inspired other producers to grow Geisha plants on farms that previously only housed Caturra and Bourbon. Geisha have also spread from Panama to other producing countries in hopes of the coffee’s name and delicate tea-like floral flavor.

3. 7 characteristics of the Panama Geisha breed

  • Tree shape: Tall
  • Leaf tip color: Green or Bronze
  • Particle Size: Medium
  • Optimal altitude :
  • 5° North latitude – 5° South latitude: >1600m
  • 5 – 15° North Latitude & 5 – 15° South Latitude: >1300m
  • > 15° North Latitude & > 15° South Latitude: >1000m
  • Potential output: average
  • Typical taste: delicate, smooth fruit flavors with low acidity and bitterness (jasmine, honeysuckle, peach, bergamot…)



Many factors are driving the price of coffee higher and higher. Climate change and the development of coffee plant diseases are the two main risks that lead to high coffee prices that coffee lovers face. However, the biggest factor is something else, guess what? Hint: Where has Starbucks grown the most over the years?

You guessed it right, it’s China. In 2014, Starbucks opened 742 new stores in China/Asia Pacific, an increase of 14%. That’s twice the growth rate of Europe and three times that of the US. And that makes a lot of sense because young Chinese people are switching from drinking tea to drinking coffee.Geisha Panama Coffee – The Best Coffee In The World
The reports also show that a “surge in demand led China to import 1.6 million bags of 60kg green coffee beans in 2012-2013, an increase of 270% compared to 2008-2009.”

And that’s a huge amount of demand for coffee.

The most obvious example is the natural pre-processed Geisha coffee from Lamastus Family Estates in Boquete, Panama that was sold for 803 USD/pound on 19/07/2018 at the Best of Panama green bean auction organized by Specialty Coffee Association of Panama (SCAP). This price once again broke the record for the price of green beans per pound also set by the Panamanian Geisha last year ($601/pound).


A lot of us wonder if it’s worth spending such a fortune on a cup of coffee. If you are serious about any love coffee, it will be a well-deserved experience before it is too late. If you decide that this coffee isn’t for you then great, you can just forget about it and never have any regrets.

Besides Geisha, there are many other great coffees that you should try while they are still affordable. Try a few of the best and find out exactly what you like and where the best value for you lies.

The only losers are those who love coffee but refuse to try good coffees because of the small difference. In the next 10 years, when the price of coffee is in the headlines again, there are bound to be people who regret missing out on them before.

Keywords: geisha coffee taste, buy Panama geisha, geisha coffee Panama, coffee beans Panama, buy geisha coffee, geisha coffee sold, roasted ground coffee, brew geisha coffee, Elida geisha coffee, geisha coffee beans, quality coffee

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