French Press Chilled Coffee Infusion: 1 Great And Simple Recipe With A Step-By-Step Guide

Vietnamese Coffee Exporter
French Press Chilled Coffee Infusion

French press cold brew to save the day!

French Press Chilled Coffee Infusion: While I eagerly anticipate summer, I’m well aware of its pitfalls. The rising temperatures and relentless sun can leave you drenched in sweat and sapped of energy. There’s no greater irony than being greeted by a beautiful, sunny day only to have your enthusiasm dampened by the sweltering heat.

The good news is you don’t have to brave the herd at Starbucks to enjoy the rejuvenating elixir that is an icy glass of cold brew. In this guide, I’ll teach you the secret to making cold brew coffee using a French press.

The additional filter can be any of the following: a regular paper filter, a fine metal filter, or cheesecloth. Its purpose is to act as a secondary filter, ensuring that any sediment that might slip through the French press is caught.

Foundational French Press Cold Brew Recipe

French Press Chilled Coffee Infusion: Certainly! A French press is a versatile and economical coffee-making tool. It’s not only great for brewing hot, flavorful coffee but also for crafting smooth and sweet cold brew. With its built-in filter and plunger, it’s well-suited for making cold brew right in your own kitchen. You don’t need to invest in a separate cold brewer when you have a French press on hand—it’s one of the simplest methods for delicious cold brew coffee.

You only need to focus on three forgiving variables: the brew ratio, grind size, and brew time.

How to Prepare Coffee Beans for Cold Brew

French Press Chilled Coffee Infusion: Cold brew coffee demands a coarser grind compared to all other brewing techniques, even the hot French press method. With its extended brew time, fine grinds risk over-extraction, resulting in bitter tastes and increased sediment in your beverage.

Hence, purchasing pre-ground coffee for cold brew can be challenging unless a brand specializes in cold brew-specific blends. It’s best to procure whole bean coffee for cold brewing and grind it fresh at home using a dedicated cold brew grinder.

I target a grind slightly coarser than what I would use for brewing coffee in a French press with hot water.

Cold Brew French Press Proportion

The coffee-to-water ratio for cold brew in a French press is notably higher than for hot coffee. Firstly, it’s a concentrate meant to be diluted (1). Secondly, the cooler temperature and coarse grind require more coffee for flavor extraction. This is why cold brew is often pricier at cafes.

You can measure the ratio by volume or weight. I prefer weight for consistency. I use a 1:6 ratio of coffee to water by weight (100g coffee to 600g water). If you don’t have a scale, a 1:4 volume ratio works (1 cup coffee to 4 cups water).

Here’s how to prepare cold brew using a French press

French Press Chilled Coffee Infusion:With all your ingredients ready, let’s whip up the ideal French press cold brew coffee at home. Follow this simple step-by-step recipe, and you can also watch a short video guide for visual assistance:

Step 1. Measure and grind coffee beans.

French Press Chilled Coffee Infusion:Measure out 85 grams of whole coffee beans and coarsely grind them using a burr grinder. If a scale is unavailable, utilize approximately 9 tablespoons, equivalent to slightly over half a cup, of coarsely ground coffee.Pour the freshly ground coffee into your French press.

Expert Tip: If you lack a burr coffee grinder at home, avoid the temptation of using a blade grinder. Instead, consider visiting a nearby roaster or coffee shop, where you can purchase freshly ground beans tailored to your specifications.

Step 2. Incorporate Water

Place your French press on the scale and reset it to zero. Pour in 510 grams of filtered water at room temperature. Alternatively, if you don’t have a scale, add 2 cups plus 2 tablespoons of water.

Pour the water slowly in a circular motion to thoroughly saturate all the coffee grounds.

If there are any loose grounds floating on the surface, I gently press them into the water using the back of a metal spoon.

Place the lid on the French press, ensuring that the filter doesn’t make contact with the water’s surface.

Expert Tip: The quality of water used in brewing significantly impacts the taste of your coffee, given that coffee is primarily water (2). Opt for filtered water, prized for its neutral taste and balanced mineral levels.

Step 3. Allow 12 Hours (or Longer)

French Press Chilled Coffee Infusion: Allow the coffee and water mixture to steep in a cool, dark location for a minimum of 12 hours. Remember, the cooler the environment, the more time it will require for optimal extraction.

I typically let mine steep in the refrigerator, a process that usually takes about 20 hours.

While the anticipation for your coffee fix may be strong, avoid the temptation to expedite this process. Rushing it may result in a pitcher filled with mildly flavored water rather than the robust cold brew you desire.

Expert Tip: The essence of coffee-making lies in extracting the rich flavors from the beans into your cup. While heat, pressure, and a fine grind accelerate this process, as evident in the 30-second preparation of espresso, cold brew adopts a contrasting approach. It relies on a prolonged, unhurried steep to achieve thorough extraction.

Step 4. Pour and Strain

French Press Chilled Coffee Infusion: Gently depress the plunger a few inches, providing stability for the subsequent pour.

At this juncture, you have the option to transfer the cold brew concentrate into a sealable container for refrigeration. However, if you’re familiar with French press usage, you’re likely aware that some sediment may still be present in the brew.

Achieve this by gradually pouring the cold brew through a pour-over dripper equipped with a paper coffee filter.

In the absence of a pour-over brewer, you can utilize a piece of cheesecloth loosely tied around the container’s opening to strain out the coffee grounds.

Expert Tip: Avoid fully depressing the plunger as it may agitate the grounds, leading to the release of bitter-tasting solubles.

Step 5. Indulge in Your Crafted Cold Brew Delight!

Savor a smooth, chilled coffee.

Since we’ve made cold brew concentrate, avoid drinking it straight.

Dilute with equal parts cold water or milk and ice cubes.

Alternatively, get creative! Try equal parts cold brew concentrate and frothy oat milk with a touch of maple syrup, or use the concentrate in various iced coffee recipes!

Expert Tip: Cold brew concentrate remains fresh when stored in a sealed jar in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Closing Notes

French Press Chilled Coffee Infusion: Crafting cold brew coffee in a French press may take time, but it’s one of the simplest home brewing methods. No fancy gear or intricate skills are needed—just a French press and a dose of patience. With these essentials, you can relish a wonderfully cool coffee experience.

Now that your brew is ready, kick back, soak up the sunshine, and contemplate how to make the most of this beautiful summer day!