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“Farm To Cup” The Coffee Cup Is A Long Novel

"Farm To Cup" The Coffee Cup Is A Long Novel

“Farm To Cup” The Coffee Cup Is A Long Novel: The journey of specialty coffee cups stretches from farm to last moment with customers.

Every moment is cherished to create a fast and quality process with Farm to Cup coffee cups for the development of the industry. Let’s Learn the “FARM TO CUP” THE COFFEE CUP IS A LONG NOVEL with Helena!

The article covers the stages of creating a typical FARM TO CUP coffee cup, representing the coffee in the Workshop. Each share is the casting of people with experience working with coffee.

Planing area

Coffee is usually cultivated in the “Coffee Belt,” located between the North Tropics and the Southern Tropics. The ideal temperature for arabica beans is 17-21° C, which rains but does not coincide with the farmer’s harvest. The better the taste, the higher the coffee.

Different continents have distinct flavor characteristics influenced by soil conditions, cultivation methods, and the coffee kinds farmed. Like wine, coffee varieties and regional highlights will create a distinctive taste.

However, in addition to the origin, other important factors affect the taste of coffee, such as processing methods, roasting profiles, preparation process, and preservation quality.

We are working with farmers

Through Union Direct Trade, some stores have clear and transparent traceability processes that trace the origin and coffee farmers. Some regions adopt a long-term strategy, forming long-term connections with farmers and financially supporting them while also sharing expertise.

This technique allows farmers the confidence to invest in their farms and prepare for the future while also giving them unique access to and ownership of the best coffee beans available.


Do some of the issues affect the coffee business?

Coffee is a boom-and-bust. The coffee market is inherently unstable but is characterized by large price fluctuations. This volatility has significant consequences for those who depend on coffee trees, making it difficult for farmers to predict their income for the upcoming crop and budget for household and agricultural needs.

Climate change has also influenced coffee production capacity. Coffee producers are becoming increasingly concerned about the impacts of climate change. Weather changes create many problems – changing harvest seasons, increasing pests ravaging coffee plants, water shortages, and long dry seasons.

That is why we must work closely with farmers to help them adapt and mitigate the negative impact of climate change; To ensure their livelihood and the future of coffee production.

How does the Fairtrade system ensure fairness in the after-business?

Fairtrade sets a minimum price, ensuring farmers get a fair price. Fairtrade Minimum Price is particularly suitable for coffee farmers, as it offers financial security even when the coffee reaches Price C.

Fairtrade Premium has helped fund many social and environmental projects such as school construction, medical centers, and infrastructure, as well as funding machinery and tools to improve coffee processing steps for farmers.


The process has a significant impact on the taste of the coffee. Through processing, manufacturers can adjust the nuances present in the coffee beans and choose the brightest flavor to send customers. During this period, manufacturers choose three main methods: Water purification, Viscosity removal, and Natural Preparation.

The manufacturer uses a de-doughing device to process the coffee fruit in the first step. The next rinse the coffee after soaking it in water for a few minutes to remove any leftover sugar on the exterior.

Next, the coffee is dried. The coffee beans that go through this process will be complete, clean of dirt, have a delicate taste, and not too intense. This method is used all over the world. Thanks to it, coffee beans can become commodities and be used.

The second step is also known as semi-washing – quite similar to the first step, but the worker does not use water but allows time to remove sugar on the coffee beans as it dries out. This process helps the coffee taste sweet from the fruit and a little sour from acid.

Natural processing is the earliest method of coffee production. After selecting the coffee fruit, the factory begins the drying process. As the coffee fruit dries, the beans separate from the fruit when the sugar is broken down, creating a bright, fruity flavor, low acidity, and very sweet coffee.

This is the most popular method globally because it needs less of the unique infrastructure and taste it can create. Using the form, the worker can create many variations that highlight the different coffee flavors.

Roasting coffee

The roasting process and the need for this stage?

Simply put, Roasting is the mechanical process of turning coffee beans from blue to brown. We need to roast coffee to break down acid into dissolved sugars, then extract to make a delicious cup of coffee.

Depending on the equipment utilized, the size and time of each roast might vary. The roasting stage, similar to wine, reveals the distinct taste each coffee keeps, signifying its origin, the type of plant cultivated, and geographical features – soil, weather, etc. Artisans roast the way coffee can help to develop tastes and strike a balance between sweetness and acidity.

Why do so many coffee roasting firms roast their beans?

We have been a wholesale coffee roaster since 1998. This is exciting for our wholesale customers and us as a link between coffee growers and consumers; Why don’t people in the coffee industry want to get involved more?

Roasting and sourcing green coffee beans is a complex but beautiful field. Roasting seems like the next logical step to learn more and expand your understanding of coffee for many in the industry.

Most coffee roasters today do everything they can to share their knowledge and experience of coffee with customers and business units. Therefore, self-roasting coffee beans bring the best and most remarkable product quality, accompanied by many exciting adventures.


The first area where the industry can make significant changes is cutting waste early in coffee production. Billions of flavored coffee beans are processed each year to create the drink that humanity loves.

But the majority of coffee fruits and the body of coffee beans are wasted after humans make fragrant cups of coffee from them. They can be used to create a coffee powder, a super-nutritious, flavor-rich supplement – a great way to reduce waste while supporting coffee farmers with new revenue sources.

Some innovative companies are also doing great things with used roasted coffee beans grounds discharged every year. Bio-Bean has been in operation for several years and turned the settings from coffee washed coffees grounds into an environmentally friendly alternative fuel.

The industry needs to focus its efforts on inventing to provide this sustainably. KeepCup is another beautiful example since it has designed a reusable cup that meets barista requirements. KeepCup is a lovely, simple alternative to throwaway coffee cups.

In 2013, we created a capsule that resembles Nespresso coffee, which is recyclable to develop a sustainable solution for customers who want to drink ready-made coffee. Of course, there’s a long way to go.

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