Espresso-Ready Coffee Beans
A perfect cup of Espresso has a balance of sweetness and bitterness; the first sip will awaken you with mild bitterness and a delightful aftertaste. Typically, Arabica beans are used in the production of Espresso in Western countries to get a gentle aroma of berries with a somewhat spicy but sweet flavor.
In Vietnam, retailers may employ pre-dried Robusta and pre-processed honey to ensure the strong flavor desired by their customers.
Latte and Cappuccino Coffee Beans
If you enjoy the mild aroma and fatty taste of Latte or Cappuccino, the Vietnamese blend of 80 percent Arabica and 20 percent Robusta is for you.
French Press Coffee Match
The French Press is an easy-to-use instrument popular among those who travel for short periods. All you need to do is roughly grind the Arabica, extract at a rate of 1/15 in 5 minutes, and enjoy.
Hand-Dripped Coffee (Pour over)
Hand brewing is frequently recommended for specific nuts because it can bring out possible tastes while also soothing the bartender. The hand brewing method necessitates the use of high-quality coffee beans and the barista’s expert skills.
For Brewing Coffee
We propose using Robusta natural or robusta honey to ensure the correct flavor with Vietnamese people’s strong coffee tastes. If you like surprises, a few Arabica beans blended with Robusta will be an excellent choice. Pure coffee is the color of cockroach wings and is mild and acidic. It can be served with condensed milk, sugar, or just a few ice cubes.
Coffee with Cold Brew
To produce Cold Brew, the coffee must be roasted below the medium threshold, ground to a moderate coarseness, then cold-brewed for 8 to 16 hours. As a result, we propose Arabica beans with berry and tropical fruit fragrances.