Author: dackhanh

Vietnamese Coffee Exporter
الحمراء المسطحةCoffee Daily News

What Is A “Flat Red” Coffee, And What Is Its Origin?

Across the globe, baristas in numerous coffee shop are crafting new and innovative concoctions that not only help their establishments stand out but also offer unique sensory delights to their patrons. Take, for instance, the "flat red," an imaginative espresso-based concoction that blends in the unexpected zest of steamed pomegranate and orange juice. This inventive beverage hails from Ukraine, where it has managed to captivate the local coffee aficionados and maintain its popularity. Keen to delve deeper into the essence of the …
Comunidades Indígenas Productoras De Café En ColombiaCoffee Cupping Guide

Comunidades Indígenas Productoras De Café En Colombia

Las comunidades indígenas constituyen uno de los grupos menos representados y más olvidados en el sector cafetero; no obstante, se estima que tan solo la población indígena de Colombia alcanza el 1.5 millones de personas, lo que representa alrededor del 3.4% de la población total. En las zonas rurales, muchas de estas comunidades dependen de la industria del café para su sustento. Las historias y culturas tradicionales de los pueblos indígenas frecuentemente relatan su legado único en la producción de café, …
Comunidades Indígenas Productoras De Café En ColombiaCoffee Cupping Guide

Indigenous Coffee Communities In Colombia

Indigenous communities are one of the least represented and most forgotten groups in the coffee sector; However, the indigenous population of Colombia alone is estimated to be 1.5 million people, representing around 3.4% of the total population. In rural areas, many of these communities depend on the coffee industry for their livelihood. The traditional stories and cultures of indigenous people frequently speak of their unique heritage in coffee production, unlike other agricultural communities. In many cases, the broader coffee industry does …
specialty coffee ThailandCoffee Daily News

Has The Popularity Of Specialty Coffee Been On The Rise In Thailand?

Positioned on the Indochinese Peninsula, Thailand has emerged as a notable player in the global coffee landscape, ranking among the top 25 coffee-producing nations and holding the title of the third-largest producer in Southeast Asia. The nation, once predominantly recognized for its production of commercial-grade robusta, has seen a marked shift towards cultivating higher quantities of arabica and premium robusta beans. Evolution of Specialty Coffee in Thailand Thailand's journey into coffee cultivation, especially when compared to its Asian counterparts, is relatively young. …
reduce emissions during coffee roastingCoffee Daily News

What Strategies Can Be Implemented To Minimize Emissions In The Coffee Roasting Process?

The pursuit of sustainability has become a critical objective for coffee roasting in recent times. This encompasses not only the ethical and traceable sourcing of coffee beans but also the environmental footprint of the roasting process. While much of the coffee industry's sustainability initiatives have traditionally centered on production and retail levels, the roasting segment is equally critical. Progressive roasters are now actively seeking ways to diminish their emissions and operational costs by investing in advanced, eco-friendly roasting technologies. To gain further …
cold brewCoffee Cupping Guide

What Accounts For The Distinct Taste Profile Of Cold Brew Compared To Other Coffee Brewing Methods?

The cold brew phenomenon has taken the coffee world by storm, with its popularity extending to every corner of the globe. Research from Technavio forecasts that the cold brew market's value will swell by nearly US $440 million by 2027, underscoring the drink's escalating appeal. Concurrent with this trend is a spike in the curiosity around cold brew extraction techniques and their effect on flavor dynamics. Significant in this realm is a study from 2022 that examines the role of brewing …
coffee trade showsCoffee Beans Essentials

Can Smaller Businesses Truly Reap The Rewards From Participating In Coffee Trade Shows?

Coffee Trade Shows : The landscape of coffee trade shows is experiencing a remarkable growth spurt, with new events emerging globally each year. These gatherings are becoming a staple for the industry, drawing participants from every corner, and each iteration seems to outdo the last in scale and attendance. Participants range from the industry's stalwarts to the burgeoning newcomers, all converging on these platforms. These trade shows serve as a nexus for networking, offering rich opportunities for businesses of all sizes …
age affect how you taste coffeeCoffee Shop

Infused Vs. Co-Fermented Coffee: Is There A Difference?

Age Affect How You Taste Coffee: Exploring the Multifaceted Nature of Coffee Flavor Perception The experience of flavor in coffee is shaped by an array of elements, from the temperature at which it's brewed to the purity of the water and the elevation at which the coffee is grown. Yet, discerning the subtler notes of a coffee's profile demands a sophisticated palate, honed through exposure to a breadth of age affect how you taste coffee with different origins, cultivars, and processing techniques. Cuppings …
Infused vs. co-fermented coffee (3)Coffee Cupping Guide

Infused Vs. Co-Fermented Coffee: Is There A Difference?

Infused vs co-fermented coffee: The specialty coffee industry's fascination with avant-garde processing methods has become increasingly evident. In recent years, the influx of Infused vs. co-fermented coffee boasting unique processing methods such as anaerobic fermentation or carbonic maceration has surged, setting what seems to be a new benchmark within the trade. Amidst this wave of inventive processing, a wider conversation about transparency has unfolded, particularly concerning the techniques producers use to craft novel flavors in Infused vs. co-fermented coffee . A pivotal …