AEROBREW GUIDANCE: So you’ve purchased an AeroPress? Well done! Now, let’s delve into crafting some phenomenal coffee akin to espresso. Perhaps you’re pondering which approach to take. And it’s completely understandable to ponder. The AeroPress universe has witnessed a surge in creativity. As you’ll soon discover, there’s a plethora of methods to explore with this fantastic little coffee contraption.
Here’s the bottom line: if you’re uncertain about brewing a cup of Joe using the conventional AeroPress method (or if you want to ensure you’re doing it right), this is an excellent starting point. In this brewing guide, we’ll outline precisely how the standard AeroPress recipe unfolds.
There are multiple ways to utilize the AeroPress.
Today, we’re delving into what’s commonly referred to as the standard AeroPress brewing method. However, as the AeroPress has gained popularity, so have more advanced AeroPress recipes. Another prevalent AeroPress brewing technique is the ‘inverted method’. Additionally, you can employ the AeroPress to craft espresso or AeroPress cold brew coffee. Nevertheless, as a general guideline, the standard method is intended for crafting straightforward, delicious black coffee.
Alternatively, observe Steven from Home Grounds utilizing it as a no-bypass coffee brewer in the video below.
AEROBREW GUIDANCE: Before we get into the detailed aspects of this method, here’s a quick summary to assist you in following our step-by-step instructions:
Initially, grab your AeroPress and insert a filter into the cap, securing it by screwing it tightly. Next, align the cylindrical tube over your mug, proceed to brew the coffee, and finally, press the completed brew into your cup. Voila! Sounds straightforward, doesn’t it? Even Leonardo Gonçalves, the 2017 Brazil AeroPress Champion, agrees (1).
The Fundamental AeroPress Guidelines
Here’s our comprehensive AeroPress brewing tutorial outlining each step for crafting an impeccable cup of coffee.
Step 1: Measure and Grind Coffee
AEROBREW GUIDANCE: Begin by weighing out 16-17 grams of coffee beans using your coffee scale. If a scale isn’t available, measure approximately 2.5 tablespoons or one full AeroPress scoop (about 16 grams).
Grind your coffee beans until they reach a medium-fine consistency, akin to table salt. This ensures uniformity similar to the grounds used in a drip coffee maker.
If utilizing a coffee sifter like the Kruve, discard the smallest and largest particles, retaining everything in between.
Step 2: Preheat, Rinse, and Prepare Your AeroPress
Insert a filter into the AeroPress cap and rinse it with boiling water to remove any paper residues and to wet the AeroPress.
Rinsing the filter is crucial as it eliminates any lingering paper flavors or dust, ensuring optimal brew quality. It also aids in filter adhesion to the cap.
This step also preheats the AeroPress and your coffee mug, allowing the brewed coffee to maintain its temperature for longer. Remember to discard the water before brewing.
Step 3: Heat Water
AEROBREW GUIDANCE: Boil water, aiming for a temperature range between 175°F and 205°F. Adjust the temperature based on your taste preference.
Water quality and temperature significantly impact coffee brewing. Given that coffee is primarily water, this step is crucial.
For those without a thermometer, bring water to a boil and let it cool for approximately 30 seconds, adjusting as necessary based on your climate.
Step 4: Add Ground Coffee
Securely place the brew chamber of the AeroPress atop your mug and add the ground coffee.
Ensure even distribution of grounds by giving the chamber a gentle shake, preventing channeling during brewing.
Step 5: Add Water
Pour hot water into the chamber within 10 seconds, twisting the chamber as you pour to ensure uniform wetting of the grounds.
AEROBREW GUIDANCE: If using a scale, aim for 220 grams of water. Alternatively, if employing the “cowboy method,” add water up to or above the number 4 on the AeroPress chamber.
Step 6: Stir, Plug, and Wait
Quickly stir the coffee slurry using the paddle stirrer or a spoon. Then, insert the AeroPress plunger into the chamber at a slight angle, straightening it and pulling up slightly to create a vacuum seal.
Set a timer for 1 minute and allow the coffee to steep.
For optimal results, ensure swift stirring, completing the process within ten seconds from adding water to starting the plunge.
Step 7: Stir, Press, and Time
After removing the pressure seal, stir the slurry again and reinsert the plunger into the chamber.
AEROBREW GUIDANCE: Gradually press the plunger down over the course of 1 minute.
Aim for consistent pressure during the plunge. Adjust grind size as needed – too easy to plunge indicates coarse grounds, while excessive resistance suggests fine grounds.
Coffee is ready when a hissing sound occurs, indicating no remaining water in the AeroPress.
Step 8: Taste and Dilute to Preference
Add more water if desired, bearing in mind that AeroPress coffee tends to be robust in flavor.
Step 9: Clean Up
Unscrew the cap and push the plunger to expel the filter and coffee grounds. Thoroughly rinse the AeroPress for subsequent use.
Alternate AeroPress Brewing Methods
Discover additional AeroPress brewing techniques. Whether your preference is espresso or cold brew, here are alternative approaches to crafting coffee with your AeroPress
The Conclusion
AEROBREW GUIDANCE: You arrived seeking guidance on using the AeroPress, and we’ve provided you with the standard AeroPress recipe. However, as mentioned earlier, there are myriad other methods to explore when brewing coffee with this versatile device. Visit our website for additional AeroPress brewing guides and embark on an adventure through the realm of creativity.