4 Principle Is Correct In How Fertilizers Should Be Used In Coffee Processing: The Editorial Board of Helena Coffee hopes this series will provide fundamental knowledge about fertilizers and insights into their appropriate application.
Because relatives are still perplexed about fertilizing. To ensure that the fertilization of coffee plants is done as effectively as possible, we hope that family members will contribute and spread awareness.
The proper type
Apply the appropriate type of manure for the crop and the soil type. As a result, it’s essential to comprehend what each plant needs. Including what kind of fertilizer is required and how much, depending on the plant’s growth stage. And where it should be put based on the soil’s characteristics.
Depending on the stage of growth and development, a plant has different nutritional requirements. Some plants in the growth stage require more potassium than protein. In contrast, others in the regrowth stage require more protein than potassium. Apply the proper kind of manure that the plant needs to thrive.
The plant cries out for fertilizer. There are numerous varieties of fertilizers, but the four most common ones are N, P, K, and S; each has a distinct purpose. The plant is also harmed by improper fertilization and non-promotion of the impact.
For instance, most crops need a stool with more excellent protein content in the early stages. If you’re fertilizing a plant using NPK mixed manure, pick a variety with high protein content. Like NPK 20-10-10 or NPK 16-16-8.
– Proper fertilization maintains the stability of the soil environment in addition to meeting the needs of the plant. Alkaline soils do not fertilize highly alkaline fertilizers beyond the threshold, whereas acidic soils do not fertilize fertilizers that are highly acidic beyond the point.
For instance, molten phosphate or the phosphate fertilizers found in NPK should be used to fertilize plants on too-acidic soil. The use of acid-based excrement (supe phosphate fertilizer) is not advised because it will raise the pH of the earth and prevent the plant from absorbing nutrients and growing roots.
Proper dosage
What is the dosage? Instructions are typically included on labels. The user must carefully read the use instructions and combine them with the observation of the morphology and condition of the plant, the land where the tree is planted, the weather, and the season to determine the appropriate amount of fertilizer to save money by the needs of the crop, and avoid fertilizer waste.
Winter and spring in the north, where cold weather makes the crop less nutrient-dense than other crops, should use less fertilizer to save money and prevent waste.
Farmers must pay attention to the soil conditions and pH of the surrounding soil environment when cultivating crops. Farmers can also rely on the growth, the strength of beans, and the fruiting of crops.
For instance, the Better 001 HG – Grow leaf fertilizer package instructs consumers to shake well to dissolve 10 g of the fertilizer in every 8–10 litre jar. Then, it must be combined in accordance with the directions; otherwise, it would burn the leaves and have lower efficiency.
Appropriately timed
When a crop needs fertilizer, it is essential to apply the proper sort and quantity of manure. The plant requires nutrients for growth and development at all times while it is alive. So it is advised to fertilize during periods when the plant is flourishing rather than applying fertilizer too frequently or using improper principles.
When too much manure is fertilized at once, it will result in excessive waste, environmental contamination, deformed plants more susceptible to infection, and low agricultural yield.
We must fertilize the plant while it is getting ready to create cotton and when we are feeding the fruit, add leaf fertilizer for the fruit tree to produce a lot of cotton and fruit.
The proper method
– The best fertilization is one which allows the crop to absorb the maximum quantity of fertilizer.
The use effectiveness is minimized when the proper stool, drug, dosage, and handling method are used but at the incorrect time.
For instance, leaf fertilizer needs to be sprayed during a cold period. Such as between 8 and 10 a.m. or 15 and 17 p.m., in order for the new plant to absorb the maximum quantity of fertilizer.
– If manure is applied inappropriately, it will not have any beneficial effects. And it will actually harm the plant (burning leaves). In addition to their involvement in photosynthesis, a plant’s leaves also drain water vapour through a system of microscopic holes called stomata, usually found on the underside of the leaves.
These holes also create the right circumstances for the leaves to absorb excrement. As a result, it’s vital to concentrate your spray while utilizing manure that’s applied through the leaves.
The plant receives faeces through the suction hair system of the roots. But the suction hair system is concentrated near the tip of the heart and exists for no longr than 24 hours due to the regulation of the development law of the whole.
Therefore, it is recommended to use organic fertilizers to dig trenches and fertilize the ring. Chemical fertilizers such as NPK fertilize in a groove 2/3 of the point of the top. Fertilize by the scatter projection so that the roots have time to arrive and absorb the faeces, and the stool has a chance to disintegrate.
* The proper application of the aforementioned four principles boosts productivity and improves product quality. And has no adverse environmental effects in addition to lowering input costs for the production of agricultural products.